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Public Participation
Information Habitat: Taking IT Global New York, NY
Uniting for Peace Coalition New York, NY
2003 Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence New York, NY
Digital Engines
  • The Migital Engine is being developed as a prototype open source relational database engine incorporating informaton ecology principles and protocols, and demonstrating the nature and power of digital - as contrasted with mechanical - engines. The Digital Engine has been created using DataPerfect 2.6F software - a remarkable MS-DOS relational database that can freely downloaded - to be used in conjunction with Firestorm, open source database web-server software that is compatible with DataPerfect. The Digital Engine is being developed as a core element of an information ecology curriculum.
New York, NY
Civic Alliance to Rebuild Downtown New York New York, NY
Listening to the City New York, NY
Peace Caucus at the United Nations New York, NY
The Ark of Hope New York, NY
Financing for Development Forum New York, NY
Maine Ecology Network
  • Development of design for integrated interactive online framework, incorporating Geographic information system web server, and of information and communication systmes and processes for network of networks of communities, organizations and iMdividuals concerned with the ecology of the State of Maine.
Blue Hill, ME
Information Ecology Caucus New York, NY
52nd Annual DPI/NGO Conference: Challenges of a Globalized World: Finding New Directions New York, NY
United Nations Fund for Population Activities New York, NY
NGO Section, Division of ECOSOC Support & Coordination, Department of Economic & Social Affairs New York, NY
New Partnerships for Action Turin, Italy
Y2K Tri-State Network New York, NY
Millennium Forum Preparations New York, NY
Holistic Approaches to FrMshwater: An Information Ecology Orientation
  • Development of an outline framework for a holistic information ecology approach to freshwater resources - revising the document that had been prepared for the by an international Expert Group that met in Zimbabwe, with an integrating focus on the use of an information ecology approach.

    The information ecology approach would take advantages of the powers and economics of information and communications technology to allow broad-based, timely free access to water-related information, and to allow for a systematic process of public feedback on water-related problems, incorporating an online geographic information system / relational database approach that can make vital water-related information readily available and accessible.

New York, NY
Hudson Valley Sustainable Communities Network Kingston, NY
Whole Earth Partnership Informatics & Participation - wepip New York, NY
UN Commission on Social Development, 36th Session New York, NY
Information Ecology Curriculum New York, NY
6th Session, Commission on Sustainable Development New York, NY
Development Planning Unit, University College London London, United Kingdom
NGO Committee on Social Development New York, NY
20th General Assembly of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Status with ECOSOC Geneva, Switzerland
European Ministerial Conference on Environment & Health London, United Kingdom
Ad Hoc Working Group on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment New York, NY
World Wide Fund for Nature Geneva, Switzerland
Millennium Peoples Assembly Network New York, NY
Partnership, Informatics and Participation New York, NY
19th Special Session of the General Assembly New York, NY
5th Session, Commission on Sustainable Development New York, NY
Global Village Symposium Vienna, Austria
Informal Soundings on ECOSOC Decision 1996/297 New York, NY
Communications Coordinating Committee for the United Nations New York, NY
NGO Forum '96 Preparations Istanbul, Turkey
4th Session, Commission on Sustainable Development New York, NY
Habitat II PrepCom 3
  • Set up and managed an Internet Café for PrepCom participants with a small Local Area Network adjacent to the Vienna Café in UN Headquarters; provided Internet and email access; assisted in retrieving Conference documents; publicized availability of online Habitat II resources; disseminatMd information on electronic mailing lists and web sites for Habitat II. Set up NGO registration procedures and provided support at registration desk; generated interim and final reports on NGO registration. Active participant in meetings of the International NGO Facilitating Group and other NGO committees and caucuses.
New York, NY
Towards Earth Summit II - NGO/CSD Steering Committee New York, NY
Huairou Commission - Women, Homes & Communities SuperCoalition New York, NY
International NGO Facilitating Group for Habitat II (IFG) New York, NY
NGO Committee on Human Settlements New York, NY
Habitat Peace Caucus New York, NY
U.S. Network on Habitat Washington, DC
Open-Ended Working Group on the Review of Arrangements for Consultation with Non-Government Organizations New York, NY
Habitat II Preparations New York, NY
UN Habitat, New York Liaison Office New York, NY
Habitat II PrepCom 2 Nairobi, Kenya
3rd Session, Commission on Sustainable Development New York, NY
World Summit for Social Development PrepCom 3
  • Chair of the NGO Information and Communications Committee; facilitated access to and exchange of information; compilation of participant contact information and creating of directories of participants; retrieval and dissemination of electronic copies ofpr PrepCom documents; proMision of technical computer and electronic communications support and assistance in conversion, formatting, spell-checking and printing NGO documents and in removal of computer viruses.
New York, NY
World Summit for Social Development PrepCom 2 New York, NY
Women's Environment & Development Organization (WEDO) New York, NY
Open-Ended Working Group on the Review of Arrangements for Consultation with Non-Government Organizations New York, NY
United Nations Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development New York, NY
World Summit for Social Development preparations New York, NY
CampaMgn for a More Democratic United Nations New York, NY
RIOD - Desertification Network Geneva, Switzerland
Parliament of the People Chicago, IL
Your Voice Chicago, IL
UN Commission on Sustainable Development New York, NY
NGO Steering Committee to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development New York, NY
Ideas for Tomorrow Today
  • Edited and published final version of the NGO Alternative Treaties - in book form and on diskette - as "Alternative Treaties: Synergistic Processes for Sustainable Communities and Global Responsibility". Made available diskette copies of the Rio Agreements and the database of UNCED-accredited NGOs. Created a full-text relational database of the Rio Agreements - Rio Declaration, Agenda 21, Convention on Biodiversity, Framework Climate Convention, NGO Alternative Treaties and the Women's Action Agenda. Created, corrected and updated a database of signatories of the treaties. Edited and published an issue of NGO Alternative Treaties Bulletin.
Milbrook, United Kingdom
Da Zi Bao at Rio Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Earth Summit PrepCom 4 New York, NY
Global Structures Convocation Washington, DC
International Synergy Institute
  • Active participation in, and monitoring of, the proceedings of the Commission on Sustainable Development, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Convention on Desertification, the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, the World Summit for Social Development, the International Conference on Population and Development, the Fourth World Conference on Women and the Open-Ended Working Group on the Review of Arrangements for Consultations with Non-Governmental Organizations; in all these proceedings, this involved a leadership role in promoting the compilation and dissemination of documents in electronic format -- on disk and via electronic communications -- and the provision of support in the use of information and communication technology by representatives of non-governmental organizations participating in the above proceedings.
Baltimore, MD
Synergistic Processes project
  • The principal focus project has been the application of information and communication technology in support of effective communication, access to information, and broad-based participation for the non-governmental organization community in the UNCED process and follow-up activities.

    Member of facilitation team at the 1993 Parliament of World Religions in Chicago, co-edited Your Voice interactive bulletin, with responsibility for special issues that organized and presented reports from a Parliament of the People and from the Assembly of Religious and Spiritual Leaders.

    During the UNCED preparations, project activities included the publication of the Da Zi Bao interactive bulletin at PrepCom IV and at the Global Forum in Rio; the latter involved publication of the bulletin in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French with a total staff, including volunteers, of 115 people. After Rio, the work involved compilation and publication of the Alternative Treaties, dissemination on disk of the official Rio agreements and the alternative treaties in several languages, the design, implementation and dissemination of a database of the NGOs accredited to UNCED and the organization of the text of the Rio agreements and the alternative treaties into a fuMl text searchable database.

Baltimore, MD
Da Zi Bao: An Interactive Exchange Process Baltimore, MD
On The Line: Interactive Preparations for the First Earth Summit Geneve, Switzerland
Roots of the Future: International NGO Conference Paris, France
Earth Summit PrepCom 3 Geneva, Switzerland
International NGO Forum preparations Geneva, Switzerland
Alliance of Northern People for Environment & Development Brussels, Belgium
Earth Summit PrepCom 2 Geneva, Switzerland
On The Line - EcoNet/ Institute for Global Communications San Francisco, CA
Citizens' Consultation on UNCED Washington, DC
Information Habitat: Where Information Lives
  • Guides and directs Information Habitat - a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council - with a focus on promoting the understanding and practice of information ecology as a holistic life science and as a framework to support a global transition to knowledge-based economies, societies and environments. Throughout the global conferences of the 1990s, Information Habitat has been the leading pioneer in the systematic application of information and communications technologies in support of broad-based participation, access to information and networking by NGOs involved in the work of the United Nations, and the development of an information ecology framework that can support a transition to sustainability, human rights, justice and peace, in the context of an integrated follow up to the agreements of the United Nations Conferences of the 1990s and their reconciliation with international trade and investment agreements.
Baltimore, MD
International NGO Strategy Group Geneva & New York,
US Citizens Network on UNCED Washington, DC
Earth Summit / UNCED Preparations
  • Active participant in and facilitator of the NGO participation process, beginning with preparations for the organizing session of the Preparatory Committee. Initially attending under the auspices of an Earthcare Interfaith Network, and was one of the key organizers of the US Citizens Network on UNCED. Pioneered the use of electronic communication, email in support of broad-based participation. Served as primary support for NGO computer centers at PrepComs. Active participant in the NGO Strategy Group, and Chair of its Information and Communications Committee. Eventually received accreditation under the auspices of the International Synergy Institute. Created database of accredited NGOs and NGO Representatives and full-text searchable database of the Rio Agreements.
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore City Public Schools
  • Organized, formatted and presented data and produced a comprehensive Report Card on Elementary Schools in Baltimore with comprehensive statistics on measures of school performance and behavior. The Report was prepared and disseminated under the auspices of the Education Committee of the Citizens' Planning and Housing Association in Baltimore. The data were compiled and integrated in a DataPerfect relational database - and the report was generated as a single, massive - by prevailing standards - mail-merge document in Wordperfect 5.0 with data from an assortment of data sources within the Baltimore City Public School system, resulting in the first-ever integrated presentation of performance data for the public schools in Baltimore.
Baltimore, MD
Citizens Planning & Housing Association - Education Committee Baltimore, MD
EcoNet, Institute for Global Communications
  • Facilitated international electronic conferences for public participation in preparation for the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development; design and presentation of workshops on electronic conferencing. Provided technical assistance and support to key information providers - e.g. Centre for Our Common Future, UN Non Government Liaison Service, Environmental Liaison Centre International and the Environment and Energy Study Institute - in disseminating their newsletters and information on-line plus training and technical support to many NGO representatives. During UNCED PrepCom II and III in Geneva, managed the electronic communications room for NGOs at the Palais des Nations, providing technical support, assistance and resources in word processing and electronic communications for NGO representatives.
San Francisco, CA
Earthcare Interfaith Network
  • Developing "Foundations for a Sustainable Common Future", based on the vision of a global Interfaith network - united in their common faith-based acknowledgment vision presented at the November 1989 Globescope Pacific Assembly, in Los Angeles and key member of the organizing committee for the U.S. Citizens Network on UNCED (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) and initial interim secretariat for the Citizens Network.
Baltimore, MD
Friends in Global Networks Baltimore, MD
Globescope Pacific Assembly and Global Tomorrow Coalition Washington, DC
Journey through Rio, Istanbul and Beyond Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Area Recycling Committee Baltimore, MD
Save Our Streams, Maryland Chapter Glen Burnie, MD
Baltimore Information Cooperative
  • Wrote successful grant proposal for initial funding of the organization, which was established to provide support and assistance to small charitable and community organizations in the use of microcomputers. Served as Co-ordinator - in conjunction with a cooperative arrangement with the Baltimore City Jail for a half-time leave of absence to work with the Baltimore Information Cooperative; support and training in use of database, spreadsheets and word processing and recommendations for microcomputer purchase.
Baltimore, MD
North Greenmount Community Development Federal Credit Union Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Environmental Center Baltimore, MD
Three Mile Island Unit 1 - NRC Restart Proceedings ,
Chesapeake Energy Alliance
  • Organized and staffed literature tables on the dangers of nuclear energy and the advantages of alternative energy sources, sold bumper stickers and buttons, organized meetings and rallies. Mimeographed, collated and sorted flyers and mailings; stuffed and sorted envelopes.

    Represented the Chesapeake Energy Alliance on a pro se basis in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) proceedings concerning the re-start of Three Mile Island, Unit 1. In response to the flood of legal briefs in the case, proposed that a coherent system be established for identification of, and referral to briefs - leading to the subsequent adoption of such procedures by the NRC.

Baltimore, MD

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