light cube - twin virtual light and colour cube - photographic negative information ecology archives light cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

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Ad Hoc Open Ended Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Energy and Sustainable Development, 2nd Session New York, NY
Ad Hoc Open Ended Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Energy and Sustainable Development, 1st Session New York, NY
26 Bushwick Avenue Brooklyn, NY
Sustainable Energy & Environment Division, UNDP New York, NY
Energy Caucus - CSD/NGO Steering Committee New York, NY
801 Homestead Street
  • Undertook major renovation of a dilapidated 1877 frame house and established an organic garden on the 1/3 acre estate that had been created by purchasing two adjacent lots. Removed plaster and lathe interior walls; weather-proofed house with storm windows, insulation and caulking; re-painted interior of the house; installed new wiring, etc.

    Removed large quantities of trash and debris from the garden - much of which was buried in the garden - and set about restoring the garden, adding compost heaps and collecting many, many bags of leaves each fall to create a large collection of leaf mold to enhance the condition of the garden.

    801 Homestead also served as an information hub - initially for a number of community-based organizations, including the Baltimore Area Recycling Coalition and the Baltimore Environmental Center, and subsequently for the US Citizens Network for UNCED and the International Synergy Institute, and was the original home of Information Habitat: Where Information Lives
Baltimore, MD
Three Mile Island Unit 1 - NRC Restart Proceedings Baltimore, MD
Chesapeake Energy Alliance
  • Organized and staffed literature tables on the dangers of nuclear energy and the advantages of alternative energy sources, sold bumper stickers and buttons, organized meetings and rallies. Mimeographed, collated and sorted flyers and mailings; stuffed and sorted envelopes.

    Represented the Chesapeake Energy Alliance on a pro se basis in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) proceedings concerning the re-start of Three Mile Island, Unit 1. In response to the flood of legal briefs in the case, proposed that a coherent system be established for identification of, and referral to briefs - leading to the subsequent adoption of such procedures by the NRC.

Baltimore, MD
609 Montpelier Street Baltimore, MD

information ecology | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
search | peace | nonviolence | conferences | participation | united nations | habitat | ecological design | index

light and colour cube - photographic negative information ecology archives peace cube / virtual light and colour cube

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under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike license
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this web site is a project of information habitat: where information lives
generated by a dataperfect digital engine - illuminated by the light cubes