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Baltimore City Public Schools
  • Organized, formatted and presented data and produced a comprehensive Report Card on Elementary Schools in Baltimore with comprehensive statistics on measures of school performance and behavior. The Report was prepared and disseminated under the auspices of the Education Committee of the Citizens' Planning and Housing Association in Baltimore. The data were compiled and integrated in a DataPerfect relational database - and the report was generated as a single, massive - by prevailing standards - mail-merge document in Wordperfect 5.0 with data from an assortment of data sources within the Baltimore City Public School system, resulting in the first-ever integrated presentation of performance data for the public schools in Baltimore.
Baltimore, MD
Citizens Planning & Housing Association - Education Committee Baltimore, MD
Earth Day 1990 Baltimore, MD
Morgan State University Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Area Recycling Committee Baltimore, MD
Friends of the Family Baltimore, MD
The Learning Bank Baltimore, MD
Protologics Corporation
  • Responsible for sales of professional practice management software systems for small medical practices. Compiled database of medical offices in the Baltimore area; made presentations of Protologics software and hardware solutions; assessed needs for and feasibility of medical billing software applications.
Baltimore, MD
Ultra Technology Computers
  • Assisted clients - mostly community-based organizations - with orientation in computer basics, in assessing microcomputer system needs, purchasing hardware and evaluating software needs; compiled database of prospective clients.
Baltimore, MD
Community Law Center Baltimore, MD
People's Homesteading Group Baltimore, MD
Better Waverly Community Organization Baltimore, MD
City College of Baltimore Baltimore, MD
Waverly Family Center
  • Member of Board when the recently-formed Waverly Family Center - with a mission of providing support for young low-income single mothers and their children - was in a major growth period, and engaged in planning and fund-raising for the construction of a new building. The Center was one of a small initial group of family centers funded by the State of Maryland - following the passage of enabling legislation.
Baltimore, MD
Computer Users in Social Services: Maryland Regional Chapter Baltimore, MD
Homewood Monthly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends
  • Clerk of Ad Hoc Committee on Unity with Nature, compiled and edited a set of Queries on Unity with Nature based on identification and organization of themes included in a compilation of related queries developed by other Quaker Monthly and Yearly Meetings. The Queries on Unity with Nature were later incorporated as the Quaker contribution to the Environmental Sabbath programme of the United Nations Environmental Programme. Developed a database of Members and Attenders of the Meeting.
Baltimore, MD
Alternative Press Center
  • Designed and developed DataPerfect relational database system for classifying and organizing coding of articles in alternative and progressive publication. Developed report formats using DataPerfect and WordPerfect that generated the contents of the Alternative Press Index, a quarterly publication that has been a primary library reference resource for alternative progressive periodicals. Provided training in data entry and report generation.
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Area Community Organizations Baltimore, MD
Baltimore City Jail Administrative Analysis Baltimore, MD
Greater Waverly Urban Farming Cooperative Baltimore, MD
Workers' Action Press Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Information Cooperative Baltimore, MD
North Greenmount Community Development Federal Credit Union Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Environmental Center Baltimore, MD
Chesapeake Energy Alliance
  • Organized and staffed literature tables on the dangers of nuclear energy and the advantages of alternative energy sources, sold bumper stickers and buttons, organized meetings and rallies. Mimeographed, collated and sorted flyers and mailings; stuffed and sorted envelopes.

    Represented the Chesapeake Energy Alliance on a pro se basis in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) proceedings concerning the re-start of Three Mile Island, Unit 1. In response to the flood of legal briefs in the case, proposed that a coherent system be established for identification of, and referral to briefs - leading to the subsequent adoption of such procedures by the NRC.

Baltimore, MD
Baltimore City Jail Library
  • Established the first library at Baltimore City Jail; developed and implemented methodologies that became a model for prison law libraries in the State of Maryland; initiated education programs; designed and developed a simple cataloging system that was able to be managed directly by the inmate staff; trained and supervised staff of 10-12 inmate volunteers in a range of library procedures, including basic law library research in State and Federal criminal law; wrote successful proposal funding 7 full time and 5 part time positions under the Public Service Employment Program of the U.S. Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA); developed and managed budgets for the library; designed and implemented audiovisual productions; supervised inmate newsletter and inmate self-help programs.
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore City Jail Corrections Baltimore, MD
Baltimore City Jail Volunteer Baltimore, MD
The Belly Food Cooperative Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Experimental High School
  • Taught classes in the game of Go - the classic Chinese game of strategy that has been a continual source of inspiration and guidance for subsequent strategy - and a workshop that used video as a vehicle for observing and understanding one's presentation of self.
Baltimore, MD
People's Free Medical Clinic Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Defense Committee
  • Participated in support activities for the Baltimore Defense Committee, which the Interfaith Peace Committee became after the burning of draft records by the "Catonsville Nine", led by the later Father Philip Berrigan; assisted in planning meetings, rallies, etc., folded and stapled flyers, and stuffed and sorted envelopes, and prepared them for non-profit mail delivery.
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Interfaith Peace Mission Baltimore, MD
The Johns Hopkins University, Social Relations Department
  • M.A. 1973, completing all Ph.D. requirements except dissertation. Specialized in small group dynamics, interpersonal and organizational behaviour, personality, criminology, quantitative research methods and mathematical sociology. Research Assistant on National Science Foundation projects, with a focus on data management, measurement, analysis and presentation, research design and methodology, computer programming, communication dynamics, and measurement of interpersonal behaviour and personality.

    The Johns Hopkins University was founded by Johns Hopkins, a Baltimore Quaker, yet by 1973, it was by far the largest university as measured by military contracts and research grants. An alternative approach to knowledge

Baltimore, MD

information ecology | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
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