Home Ownership
Better Waverly Community Organization
Served as Co-Chair for Better Waverly; assisted in organizing neighborhood clean-up days; established and edited Better Waverly newsletter; developed and maintained integrated database for membership and organizational records, generating mailing labels - including ZIP+4 codes - and directories as needed. Expanded the database to include ownership records for every property in the neighborhood, classified as to zoning and type of ownership, enabling the identification of ownership of properties in violation of Housing codes - mostly owned by absentee landlords; initiated community gardening project.
access to information,
community-based organizations,
habitat & human settlements,
home ownership,
information ecology,
urban agriculture
Baltimore, MD
801 Homestead Street
Undertook major renovation of a dilapidated 1877 frame house and established an organic garden on the 1/3 acre estate that had been created by purchasing two adjacent lots. Removed plaster and lathe interior walls; weather-proofed house with storm windows, insulation and caulking; re-painted interior of the house; installed new wiring, etc.
Removed large quantities of trash and debris from the garden - much of which was buried in the garden - and set about restoring the garden, adding compost heaps and collecting many, many bags of leaves each fall to create a large collection of leaf mold to enhance the condition of the garden.
biological diversity,
ecological design,
habitat & human settlements,
home ownership,
sustainable agriculture,
sustainable home economics,
urban agriculture,
urban gardening
Baltimore, MD
609 Montpelier Street
Undertook comprehensive rehabilitation of a two-storey frame house and garden; intallation of wood stove, floor vents and a whole house fan, storm wndows, wall and ceiling insulation and electrical wiring; converted a former driveway into an organic vegetable garden; became the hub of the Chesapeake Energy Alliance and - after the accident at Three Mile Island (TMI) - the home for a pro se intervention in the TMI Unit I Restart proceedings of the Nuclear Regulaory Commission.
document storage,
home ownership,
law and the courts,
sustainable agriculture,
sustainable home economics,
urban agriculture,
urban gardening
Baltimore, MD
3037 Guilford Avenue
Re-decorated 3037 Guilford Avenue, two-story brick row house in the Charles Village neighbrohood of Baltimore; established a small organic gardening plot, including a compost piles; planted fruit tree, vegetables and annual and perennial flowering plants; expanded ground floor front room with removal of a non load-bearing interior wall; hosted small communal living experiment with another married couple.
home ownership,
sustainable home economics,
urban agriculture,
urban gardening
Baltimore, MD