light cube - twin virtual light and colour cube - photographic negative information ecology archives light cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

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Community-Based Organizations
Information Habitat: Taking IT Global New York, NY
Listening to the City New York, NY
Citizens Planning & Housing Association - Education Committee Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Area Recycling Committee Baltimore, MD
The Learning Bank Baltimore, MD
Community Law Center Baltimore, MD
People's Homesteading Group Baltimore, MD
Better Waverly Community Organization Baltimore, MD
Waverly Family Center
  • Member of Board when the recently-formed Waverly Family Center - with a mission of providing support for young low-income single mothers and their children - was in a major growth period, and engaged in planning and fund-raising for the construction of a new building. The Center was one of a small initial group of family centers funded by the State of Maryland - following the passage of enabling legislation.
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Area Community Organizations Baltimore, MD
Greater Waverly Urban Farming Cooperative Baltimore, MD
Workers' Action Press Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Information Cooperative
  • Wrote successful grant proposal for initial funding of the organization, which was established to provide support and assistance to small charitable and community organizations in the use of microcomputers. Served as Co-ordinator - in conjunction with a cooperative arrangement with the Baltimore City Jail for a half-time leave of absence to work with the Baltimore Information Cooperative; support and training in use of database, spreadsheets and word processing and recommendations for microcomputer purchase.
Baltimore, MD
North Greenmount Community Development Federal Credit Union Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Environmental Center
  • Organized a successful coalition of environmental and community groups opposed to incineration of Baltimore City's sewage sludge, leading to the adoption of plans to compost the sludge in place of incineration; maintained membership database; secured a small grant for preparation of a Recycling Resource Packet that was disseminated in partnership with the Recycling Committee of the Citizens' Planning and Housing Association.
Baltimore, MD
Chesapeake Energy Alliance
  • Organized and staffed literature tables on the dangers of nuclear energy and the advantages of alternative energy sources, sold bumper stickers and buttons, organized meetings and rallies. Mimeographed, collated and sorted flyers and mailings; stuffed and sorted envelopes.

    Represented the Chesapeake Energy Alliance on a pro se basis in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) proceedings concerning the re-start of Three Mile Island, Unit 1. In response to the flood of legal briefs in the case, proposed that a coherent system be established for identification of, and referral to briefs - leading to the subsequent adoption of such procedures by the NRC.

Baltimore, MD
People's Free Medical Clinic Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Defense Committee
  • Participated in support activities for the Baltimore Defense Committee, which the Interfaith Peace Committee became after the burning of draft records by the "Catonsville Nine", led by the later Father Philip Berrigan; assisted in planning meetings, rallies, etc., folded and stapled flyers, and stuffed and sorted envelopes, and prepared them for non-profit mail delivery.
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Interfaith Peace Mission Baltimore, MD

information ecology | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
search | peace | nonviolence | conferences | participation | united nations | habitat | ecological design | index

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