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DataPerfect Digital Engines
Mesopotamian Summer: Between the Rivers - A Cradle of Civlization New York, NY
DataPerfect Digital Engines - an Open Source Curriculum New York, NY
2004 Gandhi-King Season - Compassionate Action for Global Healing
  • Development of a reorganized web site for the Gandhi-King Season, with the goal of compiling an open source curriculum in compassionate activism for global healing, and of inviting participants in a People's Agenda for Economic Justice to observe the Season - which runs from Friday, January 30 to Sunday, April 4 and honours the anniversaries of the deaths of Mohandas K. "Mahatma" Gandhi and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - as a time to engage in interactive dialogue on, and development of, a People's Agenda. Management of a set of electronic mailing lists relating to the Gandhi-King Season.
New York, NY
Digital Bridges in Peace New York, NY
Information Habitat: Taking IT Global New York, NY
Elements of Information Ecology - An Open Source Curriculum
  • Elements of Information Ecology has been created with the goal of facilitating the creation of a K-12+ curriculum in information ecology, and of developing it on a participatory open source platform. The projects is one of a set of projects being developed on the platform of TakingITGlobal, with the goal of strengthening the global reach of the projects and of increasing the participation of young people.
New York, NY
Peace & Nonviolence Resource Network New York, NY
Open Source Curriculum in DataPerfect and Firestorm
  • The development of an online, open source, curriculum in DataPefect and Firestorm, in support of the development of a global community to design and develop open source Digital Engines. The project was the precursor of DataPerfect Digital Engines - An Open Source Curriculum
New York, NY
Elements of Light and Colour - An Open Source Curriculum New York, NY
Journal Log Engine
  • Design, development and implementation of an open source database engine for organizing activity and reflection logs. The Journal Log Engine allows for the integration of log entries with applicable databases, projects, images, and thematic and geographical classification.

    The Journal Log Engine will generated linked sets of web pages allowing multiple options for viewing logs - e.g. chronologically or organized by Project or substantive focus.

New York, NY
Image Habitat Engine New York, NY
Project Information Habitat
  • Project Information Habitat is an evolving design and demonstration of an online habitat for project information, with a set of approximately 200 web pages on projects that have been part of Information Habitat's history. The Project Information Habitat web pages are directly generated from the HABITAT3 DataPerfect relational database that serves as one of the primary digital engines for Information Habitat.

    Project Information Habitat will also draw on the body of information that it has accumulated - incorporating the design, and where appropriate, the contents, of a set of databases in Information Habitat's possession - including databases developed by Information Habitat, as well as those it has inherited from its predecessors; archives from the electronic mailing lists managed, moderated and/or subscribed to by Information Habitat; and Information Habitat's digital library of documents.

New York, NY
World Summit on Sustainable Development, PrepCom 3 New York, NY
Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - Taking IT Global New York, NY
Information Ecology Curriculum New York, NY
Peace Cubes / Virtual Light and Colour Cubes
  • Development and dissemination of a proliferating set of images based on developed models of the peace cubes / virtual light and color cubes as embodiments of properties of light and of nature. The existence of the cubes was discovered in response to a request from the outgoing Executive Director of UN-Habitat to explore the use of colour to identify the role of partners in a proposed web site for follow-up to Habitat II.

    The Light and Colour Cubes were dedicated as Peace Cubes at an Equinox Earthday celebration next to the Peace Bell at United Nations Headquarters in March 1997 and have emerged as icons of Information Ecology and of a holistic approach - with the dimensions of red, blue and green appearing to correspond to dimensions of economy, society and environment - the three "pillars of sustainability" - as well as to dimensions of body, mind and spirit.

New York, NY
NGO Forum '96 Preparations Istanbul, Turkey
Global Heart Convocation Tucson, AZ
Citizens Planning & Housing Association - Education Committee Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Area Recycling Committee Baltimore, MD
Alternative Press Center
  • Designed and developed DataPerfect relational database system for classifying and organizing coding of articles in alternative and progressive publication. Developed report formats using DataPerfect and WordPerfect that generated the contents of the Alternative Press Index, a quarterly publication that has been a primary library reference resource for alternative progressive periodicals. Provided training in data entry and report generation.
Baltimore, MD

information ecology | digital engines | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
search | peace | nonviolence | conferences | participation | united nations | habitat | ecological design | index

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this web site is a project of information habitat: where information lives

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illuminated by the prayer wheels