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Elements of Light and Colour - An Open Source Curriculum
| art | children | database | dataperfect digital engines | education | information ecology | light and colour | one light in all | open source | peace cubes | reconciliation | |
Role: Coordinator |
New York, NY
2003.01- |
Documents | |
An inspiring set of Quaker Queries on Opening to the Light, presented by Barry Morley at Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in 1988. |
State College 1988.08 |
"Oh Say Can You See By the One Light in All!" was dedicated as the Fifth Verse of the US National Anthem at an Interfaith Sunrise service at Fort McHenry, home of the Star-Spangled Banner and a brief description of how the Star Spangled Banner became adopted - through a grassroots process - as the U.S. National Anthem. |
Baltimore 1990.04 |
The virtual light & color cubes are virtual structures in the form of cubes with dimensions of red, green and blue, within which the colour at any point is equal to the sum of the point's red, green and blue coordinates. The pair of cubes - mirror images and photographic negatives of each other - embody fundamental properties of light and colour, and demonstrate the additive and subtractive primary colours. |
New York 1996.11 |
Dedication of the Virtual Light and Colour Cube as a Peace Cube at the Earthday on the Equinox on the Internet ceremony at United Nations Headquarters on 1997.03.20 |
New York 1997.03 |
Introductory presentation on the nature of primary colours based on the existence of - and symmetry and complementarity between - two sets of primary colours - red, green & blue for light; cyan, magenta & yellow for pigment. |
New York 1998.09 |
Templates for domino-format tiles, with pairs of adjacent faces. jpg format available for printing on A3 or 11x17, to copy on card stock. Discover some of the patterns, cycles and symmetry. pdf format. |
Brooklyn 1999.01 |
A presentation of the primary equations of colour and light, the symmetry of light and pigment, and the nine primary colours. Nine Primary Colors is also a demonstration and appreciation of the power of zero in the three-dimensional mathematics of colour - and in any numeric system. |
Brooklyn 2000.07 |
Home for the Peace Cubes - Virtual Light and Colour Cubes that are at the centre of a three-dimensional mathematics of colour and light and that can transform our understanding of the nature and dimensions of light and colour. The Peace Cubes can also serve as vital elements in a new global curriculum on mathematics, colour and light, as symbols for the One Light in all of Creation, and as teaching tools on the properties of knowledge-based economies, and as an introduction to the properties of zero-based economy. All of the images are computer-generated, the most recent images based on HTML tables generated from a DataPerfect database, as were most of the sets of web pages of images. |
Brooklyn 2000.10 |
A meditation on the forty-eight faces of the light and colour cubes. Each face represents a meeting place of four primary colours and may evoke a unique feeling. Each face is framed below a frieze of the eight rotations and reflections of itself. At the lower right of the face is its photographic negative. A bottom frieze contains small icons of the forty eight faces. Easy - and enjoyable; forget about words; let your eyes and feelings guide you. |
Brooklyn 2000.10 |
An exploration in connections between the Light and Colour Cubes and the colours of the rainbow, Rainbow Cubic Sine Waves represents a mapping of the colours of the cubes onto a sine wave, in which the cycle of colours seems to evoke the colour sequence of the rainbow. The development of the Rainbow Cubic Sine Wave took place over two days very shortly on the birth of the Cubic Colour Wheel, reflecting an openness to softening the sharp edges of the Cubes, as well as to focus attention on some of the rhythmic and cyclical properties of the cubes. |
New York 2001.11 |
New York 2001.11 |
New York 2001.11 |
An endless sequence of cycling "rainbow cubic sine waves" - based on a mapping of the colours of the Light and Colour Cubes onto the shape of a sine wave in a quest to reconcile and connect the cubes and the rainbow, as well as to bridge the gulf between the square and cube and the circle and sphere. |
New York 2001.12 |
A meditative online presentation of the Queries on Opening to the Light - a presentation that serves as the opening segment of a Journey of Light, Reconciliation and Peace prepared in response to September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. |
New York 2001.12 |
A cycling series of twenty-four pages with images of "Twisted Pairs of Light and Colour Cubes" - pairs of cubes in which the one is the unseen side of the other. |
New York 2001.12 |
A set of eight cycling images with the principal protagonists in a War of - President George W. Bush, Vice-President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of State Colin Powell and Osama bin Laden - against backgrounds of the Light and Colour Cubes and of the six non-zero primary colours. |
New York 2001.12 |
A set of seventy-two images with the primary representatives of the September 11 protagonists - President George W. Bush, Vice-President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of State Colin Powell and Osama bin Laden against backgrounds of the Light and Colour Cubes transposed into sixteen colour images, and serving as visual metaphors for ways that our perception of our enemies can be distorted when we see them from a limited palette, and one in which our enemies' colours are only partially represented. |
New York 2001.12 |
An introduction to the Light and Colour Cubes and the primary colours of light and pigment. |
New York 2002.02 |
A set of printer-ready templates for assembling 2.5cm / 1" models of the light and colour cubes, and creating sets of the twelve "face cards" of the cubes - the surfaces of colour - and the set of ninety-six light and colour tiles. |
New York 2003.02 |
Design, development and implementation of an open source curriculum in the elements of light and colour, based on the properties of the Virtual Light and Colour Cubes, incorporating an elementary three-dimensional mathematics of light and colour and a new appreciation and understanding of the nature and characteristics of the primary colours of light and pigment. |
New York 2003.10 |
9999.99-9999.99 | |
Elements of Light and Colour - An Open Source Curriculum
| art | children | database | dataperfect digital engines | education | information ecology | light and colour | one light in all | open source | peace cubes | reconciliation | |
information ecology projects |
key domains |
peace cubes |
digital bridges in peace |
uniting for peace |
gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search |