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Habitat & Human Settlements
H2O Partners New York, NY
Civic Alliance to Rebuild Downtown New York New York, NY
September 11 Peace Memorials New York, NY
23 Bushwick Avenue
  • Lived as temporary house guest; served as personal assistant to Geraldine Miller with a focus on domestic responsibilities; co-designed a landscaped circular Mother Garden with paths and borders using on-site bricks, rocks and wood; established compost piles; enhanced soil restoration with extensive addition of leaf mold from the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens; designed a community biodiversity initiative; monitored home improvements; created flower beds around street trees.
Brooklyn, NY
Housing Court of Kings
  • Design, develop and implement a demonstration model of an online information ecology framework to provide increased equity for tenants - particularly those proceeding on a pro se basis in Landlord/Tenant cases in Housing Court.

    The initiative takes its name from an real life case involving the defense of Information Habitat's home in the Housing Part of the Civil Court of the City of New York, County of Kings - better known to the world as Brooklyn.

    The Housing Court of Kings offers a design that draws on the power of the Internet and modern information technology - in conjunction with relevant international agreements - to remedy the Court's antiquated and dysfunctional information system that is a primary means by which equal protection under the law is systematically denied for low income tenants unable to qualify for legal assistance.

    Housing Court of Kings also seeks to remedy current absence of any systematic documentation of the nature of the tenants' counterclaims and of the physical and environmental conditions in the tenant's apartment and building.

    The project was conceived as a model by which local governmental bodies can and to demonstrate the value of consideration of relevant recommendations from the Habitat Agenda and from Agenda 21.

Brooklyn, NY
CSD Exhibit on Water and Health
  • Spontaneous installation of a complex and evolving multi-material installation / exhibit on the theme of a UN Commission on Water and Health. The exhibit began in Conference Room C at UN Headquarters, and for its final two days, moved into a space that became open close to the Vienna Café where it provoked interest and discussion among participants in the 8th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development.
New York, NY
New Partnerships for Action Turin, Italy
26 Bushwick Avenue Brooklyn, NY
Forum of Researchers on Human Settlements Rome, Italy
Whole Earth Partnership Informatics & Participation - wepip New York, NY
Information Ecology Curriculum New York, NY
Development Planning Unit, University College London London, United Kingdom
Partnership, Informatics and Participation New York, NY
Commission on Human Settlements - 16th session
  • Established a web site with all available documents of the 16th Session of the Commission on Human Settlements - in English, French and Spanish - in partnership with the UN Center for Human Settlements and the UN Development Programme; disseminated information on the web site and the availability of the documents.
Nairobi, Kenya
Habitat II Follow-up Istanbul, Turkey
Habitat II
  • Managed the technical aspects of the NGO registration process; generated interim and final reports on NGO registration; maintained liaison with the Habitat II Secretariat, collecting official documents and UN press releases and making the available via electronic mailing lists and the Habitat II and UN web sites; technical assistance to NGO participants in Internet access - from notebook computers and computer terminals; attended Partners hearings and the closing session of Habitat II.
Istanbul, Turkey
NGO Forum '96 Preparations Istanbul, Turkey
Habitat II PrepCom 3
  • Set up and managed an Internet Café for PrepCom participants with a small Local Area Network adjacent to the Vienna Café in UN Headquarters; provided Internet and email access; assisted in retrieving Conference documents; publicized availability of online Habitat II resources; disseminated information on electronic mailing lists and web sites for Habitat II. Set up NGO registration procedures and provided support at registration desk; generated interim and final reports on NGO registration. Active participant in meetings of the International NGO Facilitating Group and other NGO committees and caucuses.
New York, NY
Habitat II Online Partnership Plan of Action
  • Conceived, developed and implemented a comprehensive strategy for exchange of, and access to, information among partners in preparation for the 1996 Habitat II Conference; managed and moderated electronic mailing lists for Habitat II participants and for related NGO Committees and networks; generated directories of NGO participants; established and maintained a web site for Habitat II that was recognized as the official conference site; developed structured web site for the Habitat Agenda and for follow-up to the agreements reached by U.N. Member States.
New York, NY
International NGO Facilitating Group for Habitat II (IFG) New York, NY
NGO Committee on Human Settlements New York, NY
Habitat Peace Caucus New York, NY
U.S. Network on Habitat Washington, DC
333 East 45th Street
  • For three years, 333 East 45th Street, New York, NY served as the home for Information Habitat, its small Local Area Network and its founder. Housed in the closest apartment building to the Delegates Entrance of the United Nations, 333 East 45th provided extremely convenient access to United Nations headquarters, and to nearby office buildings of the UN Secretariat and UN specialized agencies, making it easy to print and reproduce documents at very short notice and to make use of Information Habitat's equipment in UN HQ and UN offices as needed.
New York, NY
Habitat II Preparations New York, NY
UN Habitat, New York Liaison Office New York, NY
Habitat II PrepCom 2 Nairobi, Kenya
Friendly Green Cottage Cowden, United Kingdom
Journey through Rio, Istanbul and Beyond Baltimore, MD
Community Law Center Baltimore, MD
People's Homesteading Group Baltimore, MD
Better Waverly Community Organization Baltimore, MD
801 Homestead Street
  • Undertook major renovation of a dilapidated 1877 frame house and established an organic garden on the 1/3 acre estate that had been created by purchasing two adjacent lots. Removed plaster and lathe interior walls; weather-proofed house with storm windows, insulation and caulking; re-painted interior of the house; installed new wiring, etc.

    Removed large quantities of trash and debris from the garden - much of which was buried in the garden - and set about restoring the garden, adding compost heaps and collecting many, many bags of leaves each fall to create a large collection of leaf mold to enhance the condition of the garden.

    801 Homestead also served as an information hub - initially for a number of community-based organizations, including the Baltimore Area Recycling Coalition and the Baltimore Environmental Center, and subsequently for the US Citizens Network for UNCED and the International Synergy Institute, and was the original home of Information Habitat: Where Information Lives
Baltimore, MD

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