Interactive Processes
H2O Partners
A domain and evolving partnership-based framework within which to float a renewed Habitat II Online - h2o - project, incorporating the Habitat Partners Network, with a focus on water as a central issue, including a set of database-generated web pages for water bodies, their properties, and their relationships with other water bodies, with land bodies, and with countries, provinces, cities, towns, villages and communities - generated from a prototype digital engine database.
access to information,
habitat & human settlements,
information architecture,
interactive processes,
knowledge-based economics,
local governance,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
sustainable agriculture,
sustainable development,
sustainable economics,
united nations,
New York, NY
Digital Engines
The Digital Engine is being developed as a prototype open source relational database engine incorporating informaton ecology principles and protocols, and demonstrating the nature and power of digital - as contrasted with mechanical - engines. The Digital Engine has been created using DataPerfect 2.6F software - a remarkable MS-DOS relational database that can freely downloaded - to be used in conjunction with Firestorm, open source database web-server software that is compatible with DataPerfect. The Digital Engine is being developed as a core element of an information ecology curriculum.
ecological design,
information ecology,
interactive processes,
public participation
New York, NY
Digital Tree of Life
The Digital Tree of Life was designed as a tribute in the form of an independent digital counterpart to the Tree of Life campaign of EarthSecure and the Counterpart Foundation that has been promoted through global broadcasting of One Child, One Voice as a way for the voices of children to be heard at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa.
ecological design,
information ecology,
interactive processes,
sustainable development
New York, NY
Financing for Development Forum
Designed, developed and administered the Forum, intended to serve as an accessible, interactive knowledge-based forum for broad-based and informed dialogue by civil society partners in preparation for the International Conference on Financing for Development, to be held in Mexico in the Spring of 2002, with responsibilities for its web site, e-lists, database, Roundtable Dialogues, and Internet Relay Chat meetings, and the development and implementation of knowledge-based strategies to demonstrate the vital significance of a focus on financing the transition to local, national and global knowledge-based economies in conjunction with cultivating an appreciation of the fundamental properties of information, information systems and networks, and the consequent economics of information.
access to information,
conference documents,
economic development,
electronic publishing,
information ecology,
interactive processes,
knowledge-based economics,
peace cubes,
public participation,
social development,
sustainable development,
sustainable economics
New York, NY
Holistic Approaches to Freshwater: An Information Ecology Orientation
Development of an outline framework for a holistic information ecology approach to freshwater resources - revising the document that had been prepared for the by an international Expert Group that met in Zimbabwe, with an integrating focus on the use of an information ecology approach.
The information ecology approach would take advantages of the powers and economics of information and communications technology to allow broad-based, timely free access to water-related information, and to allow for a systematic process of public feedback on water-related problems, incorporating an online geographic information system / relational database approach that can make vital water-related information readily available and accessible.
access to information,
information ecology,
interactive processes,
public participation,
sustainable development
New York, NY
Global Village Symposium
Participant and speaker on the use of Internet Relay Chat as a simple, accessible and viable methodology for holding online "village meetings".
access to information,
information ecology,
interactive processes,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
public participation
Vienna, Austria
Habitat II Preparations
Designed and developed web site for Habitat II documents. Designed and managed database of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) - and their representatives - accredited to Habitat II. Designed and supervised NGO registration procedures for PrepCom III and for Habitat II. Generated and formatted data for official reports of NGO accreditation. Set up and staffed "Internet Café" at PrepCom III. Organized and facilitated procedures for NGO access to online communications from conference site in Istanbul.
access to information,
community development,
conference documents,
economic development,
habitat & human settlements,
habitat ii,
information architecture,
information ecology,
information infrastructure,
interactive processes,
peace cubes,
public participation,
social development,
sustainable development,
united nations
New York, NY
Da Zi Bao at Rio
Published Da Zi Bao: An Interactive Exchange Process during the '92 Global Forum at Rio de Janeiro. Modified and refined Da Zi Bao database, installed software on a 20 workstation local area network. A total of fifty-eight issues of Da Zi Bao were published - in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French - with a total staff, mostly university student volunteers, of 115 people.
access to information,
conference documents,
information exchange,
interactive processes,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
participant interactive message system,
public participation,
sustainable development,
unced / earth summit,
united nations
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Da Zi Bao: An Interactive Exchange Process
Designed, developed and implemented an relational database version of a "participant interactive message system" that was used to document and disseminate ideas, recommendations and observations of non-govermental participants at meetings and consultations in preparation for the 1992 Earth Summit.
access to information,
conference documents,
electronic publishing,
information ecology,
interactive processes,
participant interactive message system,
public participation,
sustainable development,
unced / earth summit,
united nations
Baltimore, MD