Conference Documents
DataPerfect Digital Engines - an Open Source Curriculum
The development of a open source curriculum on DataPerfect Digital Engines, based on the MS-DOS classic, DataPerfect 2.6F - a companion program to the legendary word processing classic, WordPerfect 5.1+ - and the application of information ecology principles and protocols. The DataPerfect Digital Engine is being designed as a prototype digital engine designed to make available the wealth - to the extent that information can be wealth - that the zero-based properties of information - zero mass, zero physical size and virtually zero travel-time - offer since digital information is free from the historical constraints on wealth imposed by the laws of conservation of mass and energy.
access to information,
conference documents,
conference registration,
database-generated web sites,
dataperfect digital engines,
digital bridges,
ecological design,
electronic publishing,
information architecture,
information ecology,
light and colour,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
peace cubes,
peaceful properties of the internet,
sustainable economics,
virtual light & colour cubes
New York, NY
Listening to the City
Participated in the historic Listening to the City forum at the Javits Center and have become an active volunteer coder for the responses. In order to prepare summary reports, have been designing and developing an integrated relational database that includes the responses, organized by a coherent and interlinked classification and coding system including elements of the site, responses and images based on the site plans, and that has been conceived of as catalyst for an open source platform for public participation.
community-based organizations,
conference documents,
information ecology,
new york city,
public participation,
september 11, 2001,
sustainable development
New York, NY
Financing for Development, PrepCom 3
Co-Chair, with Chief Bisi Ogunleye, Country Women Association of Nigeria, of the NGO Interlinkages Caucus; wrote and circulated Caucus statement supporting the need for holistic approaches to Financing for Developments integrating economic, social and environmental dimensions of development and the global agreements of the 1990s; co-hosted Roundtable Dialogue on Financing for Development and Knowledge-Based Economies,
conference documents,
full-cost market,
holistic approaches,
information ecology,
information economics,
preparatory committee,
social development,
sustainable development
New York, NY
Financing for Development, PrepCom 2
Active participant in the PrepCom. Organized a Roundtable Dialogue on Financing for Development and the Knowledge-Based Economy in partnership with the Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt; circulated paper on Financing for Development and Transition to Knowledge-Based Economies.
conference documents,
full-cost market,
global transition,
information ecology,
information economics,
preparatory committee
New York, NY
Financing for Development Forum
Designed, developed and administered the Forum, intended to serve as an accessible, interactive knowledge-based forum for broad-based and informed dialogue by civil society partners in preparation for the International Conference on Financing for Development, to be held in Mexico in the Spring of 2002, with responsibilities for its web site, e-lists, database, Roundtable Dialogues, and Internet Relay Chat meetings, and the development and implementation of knowledge-based strategies to demonstrate the vital significance of a focus on financing the transition to local, national and global knowledge-based economies in conjunction with cultivating an appreciation of the fundamental properties of information, information systems and networks, and the consequent economics of information.
access to information,
conference documents,
economic development,
electronic publishing,
information ecology,
interactive processes,
knowledge-based economics,
peace cubes,
public participation,
social development,
sustainable development,
sustainable economics
New York, NY
European Ministerial Conference on Environment & Health
Management and facilitation of electronic mailing lists to enable public participation in preparations for the conference and provision of electronic access to conference documents.
access to information,
conference documents,
dissemination of information,
electronic publishing,
email lists,
information ecology,
preparatory committee,
public participation,
united nations
London, United Kingdom
Ad Hoc Working Group on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment
Established web site and administered electronic mailing list on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), and related proceedings, including those of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The electronic mailing list - - served as a primary source of information on the MAI and WTO for many non-governmental organizations associated with the United Nations. Disseminated information on the MAI to UN Missions and to electronic mailing lists of major NGO networks.
access to information,
conference documents,
email lists,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
public participation,
sustainable development,
trade and investment agreements
New York, NY
Habitat II Follow-up
The formal end of the Habitat II Conference marked the beginning of a major new phase on the journey, namely, follow-up in the form of monitoring and implementing the Habitat Agenda - the Partnership Plan of Action. The very first step was to obtain a disk copy of the Habitat Agenda, to make the full text available on the Habitat II Web site, and to send notification of its online availability to interested electronic mailing lists - on the same day that the document was agreed to by Member States.
conference documents,
habitat & human settlements,
habitat ii,
information ecology,
information economics,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
Istanbul, Turkey
NGO Forum '96 Preparations
Set up, organized and supervised management of the FORUM96 database to organize the schedule of over 1,800 events and activities of NGOs at the NGO Forum '96, incorporating systematic procedures for organizing schedules and resolving schedule conflict; generated daily reports, schedules, web pages and signs for the events.
access to information,
conference documents,
conference registration,
dataperfect digital engines,
dissemination of information,
ecological design,
electronic publishing,
habitat & human settlements,
habitat ii,
information ecology,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
public participation,
united nations
Istanbul, Turkey
Habitat II PrepCom 3
Set up and managed an Internet Café for PrepCom participants with a small Local Area Network adjacent to the Vienna Café in UN Headquarters; provided Internet and email access; assisted in retrieving Conference documents; publicized availability of online Habitat II resources; disseminated information on electronic mailing lists and web sites for Habitat II. Set up NGO registration procedures and provided support at registration desk; generated interim and final reports on NGO registration. Active participant in meetings of the International NGO Facilitating Group and other NGO committees and caucuses.
access to information,
conference documents,
habitat & human settlements,
habitat ii,
preparatory committee,
public participation,
united nations
New York, NY
Towards Earth Summit II - NGO/CSD Steering Committee
Compiled, edited and produced Towards Earth Summit II: NGO Recommendations for Action and Commitments, the principal NGO document prepared for the United Nations General Assembly Special Session for Five Year Review of the agreements of the 1992 Earth Summit.
conference documents,
consensus documents,
electronic publishing,
information ecology,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
public participation,
sustainable development,
united nations
New York, NY
Habitat II Preparations
Designed and developed web site for Habitat II documents. Designed and managed database of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) - and their representatives - accredited to Habitat II. Designed and supervised NGO registration procedures for PrepCom III and for Habitat II. Generated and formatted data for official reports of NGO accreditation. Set up and staffed "Internet Café" at PrepCom III. Organized and facilitated procedures for NGO access to online communications from conference site in Istanbul.
access to information,
community development,
conference documents,
economic development,
habitat & human settlements,
habitat ii,
information architecture,
information ecology,
information infrastructure,
interactive processes,
peace cubes,
public participation,
social development,
sustainable development,
united nations
New York, NY
Habitat II PrepCom 2
Active participant on the habitat2 electronic mailing list; disseminated information on the availability of official Habitat II documents.
access to information,
conference documents,
habitat & human settlements,
habitat ii,
preparatory committee,
public participation,
united nations
Nairobi, Kenya
World Summit for Social Development PrepCom 2
Compiled official documents and made them available on diskette.
access to information,
broad-based participation,
conference documents,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
preparatory committee,
social development,
united nations
New York, NY
World Summit for Social Development preparations
Served as Chair of the NGO Information and Communications Committee; facilitated access to and exchange of information; compilation of participant contact information and creating of directories of participants; provision of technical computer and electronic communications support and assistance in conversion, formatting, spell-checking and printing NGO documents and in removal of computer viruses.
access to information,
conference documents,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
public participation,
social development,
united nations
New York, NY
Parliament of the People
Co-opted member of the Facilitating team for a Parliament of the People that was convened as a grassroots parallel process to the Parliament of World Religions; Facilitated and published three special issues of "Your Voice" to record the proceedings of a Parliament of the People.
conference documents,
interfaith dialogue,
participant interactive message system,
participatory processes,
public participation,
Chicago, IL
Parliament of World Religions
Co-opted member of a thirty-person facilitating team for the Parliament. Active participant on the facilitating team; compiled, edited and published a Summary Report of the Assembly of Religious and Spiritual Leaders for the Facilitating Team based on the reports and observations of the members of the team.
conference documents,
electronic publishing,
interfaith dialogue,
Chicago, IL
Da Zi Bao at Rio
Published Da Zi Bao: An Interactive Exchange Process during the '92 Global Forum at Rio de Janeiro. Modified and refined Da Zi Bao database, installed software on a 20 workstation local area network. A total of fifty-eight issues of Da Zi Bao were published - in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French - with a total staff, mostly university student volunteers, of 115 people.
access to information,
conference documents,
information exchange,
interactive processes,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
participant interactive message system,
public participation,
sustainable development,
unced / earth summit,
united nations
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Global Heart Convocation
Published Da Zi Bao participant interactive message system - four issues with fifty-one messages from thirty-five participants- at the Global Heart Convocation organized by Terra Christa Communications, to support heart-centred and spiritual approaches to the upcoming Earth Summit / UNCED. Distributed diskette-based UNCED documents.
conference documents,
dataperfect digital engines,
participant interactive message system,
unced / earth summit
Tucson, AZ
Global Structures Convocation
Published seven issues of Da Zi Bao as a participant interactive message system for UNCED participants in a major conference on the implications and opportunities for new structures for global governance offered by the Earth Summit. The bulletin was produced with a laptop computer, clerical and sales volunteers, DataPerfect 2.3, WordPerfect 5.0, Bitstream fonts, a Canon BubbleJet printer and a local commercial photocopy center.
conference documents,
global governance,
participant interactive message system,
public participation,
sustainable development,
unced / earth summit
Washington, DC
Da Zi Bao: An Interactive Exchange Process
Designed, developed and implemented an relational database version of a "participant interactive message system" that was used to document and disseminate ideas, recommendations and observations of non-governmental participants at meetings and consultations in preparation for the 1992 Earth Summit.
access to information,
conference documents,
electronic publishing,
information ecology,
interactive processes,
participant interactive message system,
public participation,
sustainable development,
unced / earth summit,
united nations
Baltimore, MD
Roots of the Future: International NGO Conference
Developed comprehensive proposal for information, communication and networking resources at the Roots of the Future international conference for NGOs sponsored by the Government of France, and organized by the Environmental Liaison Centre International, and held in Paris in preparation for UNCED; designed and published nine issues of Da Zi Bao: An Interactive Exchange Process, an interactive bulletin for participants in the conference, supervising staff of nine people; designed and supervised registration database and produced directories of conference participants; provided technical assistance in word processing, desk top publishing and electronic communications.
Disseminated conference information and documents - including Agenda Ya Wananchi - online and on disk, and continued to organize and publish Da Zi Bao at the next and final Preparatory Committee for the UN Conference on Environment and Development and at the Earth Summit and '92 Global Forum.
access to information,
conference documents,
conference registration,
consensus documents,
dissemination of information,
information ecology,
participant interactive message system,
public participation,
sustainable development,
unced / earth summit,
united nations
Paris, France
International NGO Forum preparations
Participant in NGO strategy meetings concerning the creation of the NGO Alternative Treaties; implementation of Da Zi Bao as an informal forum for exchange of NGO ideas, visions and concerns on sustainability; participant in December 1991 strategy meetings in Paris; participant in consultation and contribution to drafts of the alternative treaties on Communication, Information, Media and Networking; Education; and Sustainable Agriculture; promoted awareness of online availability of draft treaties.
access to information,
conference documents,
conference registration,
consensus documents,
electronic publishing,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
public participation,
sustainable development,
unced / earth summit,
united nations
Geneva, Switzerland
Earth Summit PrepCom 1
Collaboration with Institute of Pre-history, Anthropology and Ecology Langston in the preparation of a guide to computer communications for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, in disseminating the prototype issues of the Earth Summit Bulletin - later to become the Earth Negotiations Bulletin - published during the PrepCom, and providing technical support for members of the precursor of the US Citizens Network on UNCED.
access to information,
conference documents,
electronic publishing,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
preparatory committee,
sustainable development,
united nations
Nairobi, Kenya
US Citizens Network on UNCED
Chair, Communications and Clearinghouse committee. Active participant and facilitator in the formation of the Network, and in the language and design of its formal structure; designed and maintained the initial database of Network participants, and published directories of participants; edited and published brochures and conference literature; wrote successful grant proposal that provided initial funding for the Network; designed, implemented and promoted strategies for the use of electronic conferences on the Association for Progressive Communications networks by NGOs involved in UNCED; set up and facilitated UNCED-related on-line conferences; during UNCED PrepCom I, in conjunction with Langston "Kimo" Goree, was responsible for on-line and print distribution of NGO reports sent from the first PrepCom Meeting in Nairobi; provided support and technical assistance in computer use to NGO representatives during UNCED PrepCom II.
access to information,
conference documents,
conference registration,
consensus documents,
electronic publishing,
global governance,
information ecology,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
public participation,
sustainable development,
unced / earth summit,
united nations
Washington, DC
Earth Summit / UNCED Preparations
Active participant in and facilitator of the NGO participation process, beginning with preparations for the organizing session of the Preparatory Committee. Initially attending under the auspices of an Earthcare Interfaith Network, and was one of the key organizers of the US Citizens Network on UNCED. Pioneered the use of electronic communication, email in support of broad-based participation. Served as primary support for NGO computer centers at PrepComs. Active participant in the NGO Strategy Group, and Chair of its Information and Communications Committee. Eventually received accreditation under the auspices of the International Synergy Institute. Created database of accredited NGOs and NGO Representatives and full-text searchable database of the Rio Agreements.
access to information,
conference documents,
electronic publishing,
public participation,
sustainable development,
unced / earth summit,
united nations
Baltimore, MD
Globescope Pacific Assembly and Global Tomorrow Coalition
Directed, organized, supervised and edited the production of the U.S. Citizens' Response to Sustainable Development: A Preliminary Report at the Globescope Pacific Assembly, the U.S. National Public Hearings on Our Common Future. Provided database and word-processing support.
access to information,
conference documents,
information ecology,
public participation,
sustainable development,
unced / earth summit,
united nations
Washington, DC
Baltimore Area Recycling Committee
Successfully mobilized a broad based - and lasting - coalition of neighborhood, environmental and educational groups in a major re-direction of recycling policy resulting, inter alia, in weekly curb-side pick up of recyclables and a five year City Council moratorium on waste incinerators. Supervised the organization of a successful conference that played a major role in stimulating the growth and development of the committee's activities. Developed and maintained database of coalition participants, edited and desktop-published brochures, reports and directories of committee members.
access to information,
community-based organizations,
conference documents,
conference registration,
consensus documents,
dataperfect digital engines,
public participation,
Baltimore, MD