Information Infrastructure
International NGO Facilitating Group for Habitat II (IFG)
Designed and implemented strategy for communications and access to information among member of the International Facilitating Group (IFG) and non-governmental organizations accredited to Habitat II. Managed the principal electronic mailing list for the Habitat II conference. Disseminated official conference documents and announcements and NGO documents via electronic mailing lists, and on diskette. Maintained web site for the IFG and a database of members and caucuses.
access to information,
electronic publishing,
habitat & human settlements,
habitat ii,
information infrastructure,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
public participation,
united nations
New York, NY
Habitat II Preparations
Designed and developed web site for Habitat II documents. Designed and managed database of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) - and their representatives - accredited to Habitat II. Designed and supervised NGO registration procedures for PrepCom III and for Habitat II. Generated and formatted data for official reports of NGO accreditation. Set up and staffed "Internet Café" at PrepCom III. Organized and facilitated procedures for NGO access to online communications from conference site in Istanbul.
access to information,
community development,
conference documents,
economic development,
habitat & human settlements,
habitat ii,
information architecture,
information ecology,
information infrastructure,
interactive processes,
peace cubes,
public participation,
social development,
sustainable development,
united nations
New York, NY