light cube - twin virtual light and colour cube - photographic negative information ecology archives light cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

information ecology | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
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Social Development
Financing for Development, PrepCom 3 New York, NY
Financing for Development Forum New York, NY
Gaia University
  • Design and development of knowledge-based curriculum, structure, information architecture and administrative framework - incorporating an extensive network of .net domains - for an Earth-centred, holistic approach to learning and teaching based on the science of information ecology and a recognition of One Light in all that exists - symbolized by the Light and Colour Cubes. Conceived as a key element in an evolving collaborative proof of the Gaia Mind / Global Mind hypothesis, Gaia University seeks to restore the essence of the Pythagorean / Hippocratic Oath - "First do no harm" - as a central commitment of education, and to serve as a model for a general framework for a knowledge-based economy and society based on appreciation of the fundamental properties of information, information systems and networks.
New York, NY
Millennium Forum Preparations New York, NY
UN Commission on Social Development, 36th Session New York, NY
Information Ecology Curriculum New York, NY
Development Planning Unit, University College London London, United Kingdom
NGO Committee on Social Development New York, NY
Habitat II Preparations New York, NY
World Summit for Social Development PrepCom 3
  • Chair of the NGO Information and Communications Committee; facilitated access to and exchange of information; compilation of participant contact information and creating of directories of participants; retrieval and dissemination of electronic copies of PrepCom documents; provision of technical computer and electronic communications support and assistance in conversion, formatting, spell-checking and printing NGO documents and in removal of computer viruses.
New York, NY
World Summit for Social Development PrepCom 2 New York, NY
World Summit for Social Development preparations New York, NY
Journey through Rio, Istanbul and Beyond Baltimore, MD
Friends of the Family Baltimore, MD
Community Law Center Baltimore, MD
Baltimore City Jail Library
  • Established the first library at Baltimore City Jail; developed and implemented methodologies that became a model for prison law libraries in the State of Maryland; initiated education programs; designed and developed a simple cataloging system that was able to be managed directly by the inmate staff; trained and supervised staff of 10-12 inmate volunteers in a range of library procedures, including basic law library research in State and Federal criminal law; wrote successful proposal funding 7 full time and 5 part time positions under the Public Service Employment Program of the U.S. Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA); developed and managed budgets for the library; designed and implemented audiovisual productions; supervised inmate newsletter and inmate self-help programs.
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore City Jail Corrections Baltimore, MD
Baltimore City Jail Volunteer
  • Worked with a variety of self-help initiatives established by residents, including newsletter and self-help groups, and provided access to the library and its formerly inaccessible collection of law books; conducted small questionnaire-based survey on perception of self and significant others by juvenile detainees; developed preliminary proposal for a Learning Resource Center at the City Jail.
Baltimore, MD
The Johns Hopkins University, Social Relations Department
  • M.A. 1973, completing all Ph.D. requirements except dissertation. Specialized in small group dynamics, interpersonal and organizational behaviour, personality, criminology, quantitative research methods and mathematical sociology. Research Assistant on National Science Foundation projects, with a focus on data management, measurement, analysis and presentation, research design and methodology, computer programming, communication dynamics, and measurement of interpersonal behaviour and personality.

    The Johns Hopkins University was founded by Johns Hopkins, a Baltimore Quaker, yet by 1973, it was by far the largest university as measured by military contracts and research grants. An alternative approach to knowledge

Baltimore, MD

information ecology | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
search | peace | nonviolence | conferences | participation | united nations | habitat | ecological design | index

light and colour cube - photographic negative information ecology archives peace cube / virtual light and colour cube

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this web site is a project of information habitat: where information lives
generated by a dataperfect digital engine - illuminated by the light cubes