peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

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Development Planning Unit, University College London
access to informationeconomicseducationhabitat & human settlementshabitat iiinformation ecologylocal governancepublic participationsocial development |
    Role: Visiting Scholar
    Design and developing a curriculum in information ecology and development planning. The course is based on an evolving understanding of a holistic realization of information ecology as an operating system for a sustainable information age, and more generally on the critical importance and value of an information ecology approach in support of broad-based, transparent, accessible structures and procedures in support of public participation at local, national, regional and global levels.

London, United Kingdom
    dpu-pip - Partnership, Informatics and Participation for implementing the Habitat Agenda
    Seed bed for the development and implementation of a curriculum in information ecology designed to establish templates for the participatory use of information technology by local governments and local communities and organizations. The site has also been used to make available - via e-mail and or a world wide web browser - key documents relating to public participation in consultation and decision-making relating to water, sustainability and health and the implementation of the agreement in the Habitat Agenda and Agenda 21.

    Essential Economics: Towards a Holistic Framework
    Preliminary schematic representation for "Essential Economics". The model, developed in the context of "Holistic approaches to freshwater" and the consideration of the nature of water as an economic good at the 6th Session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, describes an economic transaction as a process at the intersection of flows of labour, money, knowledge, material resources, energy, infrastructure, etc.

    Virtual Light & Colour Cubes - Properties of Light, Gifts of Nature, Catalysts of Peace
    Compelling visual introduction to the Virtual Light and Colour Cubes. Provides a brief visual overview of the principal characteristics of the Virtual Light and Colour Cubes / Peace Cubes

    Information Ecology and Information Society
    A brief overview of information ecology focussing on the emerging significance of information space, of the need for public information space and the development of such spaces through the use of information and communications technology in the course of the series of global conferences of the 1990, and of the electronic mailing list as the key tool in support of non-governmental participation in the global conferences, with an overview of properties of electronic mailing lists and recommendations. Presented at "The Challenges of Information Technology for the Non-Profit Sector". Powerpoint presentation.

    Information Ecology: Holistic Framework for Empowerment & Transformation
    A holistic perspective on information flows, recognizing three fundamental dimensions of information space - content / substance, personal / community relationships, and the nature of information technology - and three basic phases of information processing - compilation / organization, communication / dissemination, and reception / utilisation. Powerpoint presentation.

    Istanbul + 2.5 - Half Way on a Journey to Istanbul + 5: A Status Report
    Case study / report on a partnership-based information ecology framework for integrated follow-up to the Habitat Agenda and the global agreements of the 1990s. Presented at the "New Partnerships for Action" conference at the United Nations Staff College. Powerpoint presentation.

    Introduction to Information Ecology
    A preliminary overview of some basics of information ecology and the relationship between information systems and other ecosystems; the nature of key properties of information and information flows and exchanges, including implications of physical properties of information - zero mass and size, light-speed; and overview of the application of information technology in support of the participation of NGOs in the preparation for and follow-up to the agreements of the global conferences of the 1990s. (Draft, in progress)

    Mailbase Online Micro-Library Service
    An overview of the design of an online micro-library service, using the mailbase electronic mailing list system developed by and for British universities. Documents would be maintained in plain text, WordPerfect 5.1, and portable document format, and would be accessible by electronic mail as well as via the world wide web. (Draft, in progress)

    Soesterberg Declaration
    Declaration adopted at a Conference in Soesterberg, The Netherlands, by Non-Governmental Organizations preparing for participation in the European Ministerial Conference on Environment & Health organized World Health Organization that includes recommendations on protocols for public participation and access to information based on the principles of the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters.

    Light and Colour Cubes - Templates for Cubes and Faces
    For building 5 cm / 2" models of the light and colour cubes, and creating sets of the twelve "face cards" of the cubes - the surfaces of colour.

    Light and Colour Tiles - Cycles
    Templates for domino-format tiles, with pairs of adjacent faces. jpg format available for printing on A3 or 11x17, to copy on card stock. Discover some of the patterns, cycles and symmetry. pdf format.

    Light and Colour Tiles - Mirrors One
    Templates for domino-format tiles, with mirror faces. A4 / 8.5x11"; also available in jpg format for printing on A3 or 11x17, to copy on card stock. Infinite variations, patterns, symmetry, rhythms and cycles. pdf format.

    ngos@un - Non-Governmental Organizations at the United Nations
    Non-Governmental Organizations at the United Nations - a partnership to assist the UN Secretary-General in responding to the decision 1996/31 of the Economic and Social Council on Consultative Arrangements for Non-Governmental Organizations" through a comprehensive approach to the application of modern information and communications technology in support of facilitation and documentation of NGOs in the work of the United Nations.

    Faces of the Peace Cube
    Introduction to the faces of the light and colour cubes - and to a three-dimensional mathematics of light and colour. 10 slides / pages. Generated in Powerpoint; pdf format.

    Domains of Nature
    Sketch of some key domains of nature - rainforest domains, island domains, wildflower domains and more. Generated in Inspiration(r), in pdf format.

    Full Cost Electronic Market
    Schematic outline of key characteristics and relationships, and elements of the ecological properties relational database - engine of the market, incorporating "double entry bookkeeping for the earth". Outline, generated in Inspiration(r), in pdf format.

    Information Ecology - Heritage
    Sketch of the conceptual, practical and spiritual heritage of Information Ecology. Generated in Inspiration(r) software; pdf format.

    Habitat Online Partnership Plan of Action - An Outline
    Sketch of a framework for monitoring and implementing the Habitat Agenda. Outline generated in Inspiration(r), in pdf format.

    Information Ecology of Electronic Mail
    Key material, economic, social and practical factors, in the context of electronic mail as a common and economical medium for communication and information exchange. Outline, generated in Inspiration(r), in pdf format.

    Network Properties
    Fundamental properties and characteristics of networks, including integrity, connectivity, governance and groundedness. Outline, generated in Inspiration(r) in pdf format.

    Y2K Countdown Digital Date Clock
    Presentation of the basis for the use of the Digital Date Clock - with format - as the ideal solution for a universal format for recording dates of transactions. pdf file from an HTML page.

    Images of the Peace Cube
    Presentation of images from the 1997 Equinox Earthday dedication of the Light and Colour Cubes as Peace Cubes. pdf format, generated in PowerPoint (r).

    ngos@un Database - An Outline
    Sketch of major areas of database elements in ngos@un - a comprehensive relational database of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) at the United Nations. Inspiration-generated file, in pdf format.

    Information Ecology Networks for a New Millennium
    Outline of conceptual basis of Information Ecology networks and Information Ecology domains.

    Properties and Principles of Information
    Properties of zero mass, zero physical size, speed of light, common access to properties of the whole; principles governing value, flow, management and understanding of information. Outline in pdf format, generated in Inspiration®.

    Properties of Information
    Properties of information - zero mass, zero physical size, speed of light, common access to properties of the whole; principles governing information. Outline in pdf format, generated in Inspiration.

    Towards a Curriculum in Information Ecology: Partnership, Informatics and Participation
    A compilation of documents and images relating to the development of a curriculum in Information Ecology in cooperation with the Development Planning Unit - Partnership, Informatics and Participation University College, London

New York
    Electronic mailing lists
    [pip] - Partnership, Informatics and Participation
      To subscribe to [pip], send an email message to
      with the following one-line message:
      subscribe pip-L

    [dpu-pip] - Development Planning Unit - Partnership, Informatics, Participation
    The [dpu-pip] mailing list has not been used for email messages, however, extensive use has been made of the "files" feature on what was originally a Mailbase platform to make available, via email, a collection of documents relating to the Partnership, Informatics and Participation (PIP) initiative in partnership with the Development Planning Unit (DPU), University College, London. Inactive.

Development Planning Unit, University College London
access to informationeconomicseducationhabitat & human settlementshabitat iiinformation ecologylocal governancepublic participationsocial development |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

a project of information habitat: where information lives
information ecology index is registered as common content
under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike