information ecology projects |
key domains |
peace cubes |
digital bridges in peace |
uniting for peace |
gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search |
Habitat II Preparations
| access to information | community development | conference documents | conferences | database | economic development | freshwater | habitat & human settlements | habitat ii | information architecture | information ecology | information infrastructure | interactive processes | peace cubes | public participation | social development | sustainable development | united nations | |
Role: Consultant pro bono
New York, NY
1994.09-1996.10 |
Documents | |
Information Habitat promotes the understanding and practice of information ecology - based on the recognition of information systems as ecosystems - sets of interrelated and interdependent structures and processes that can best be understood if viewed as a whole - and in the context of the critical relationships between information ecosystems and other ecosystems - social, institutional, economic, legal, cultural and natural. Information Habitat is a Non-Governmental Organization in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council. |
New York 1995.06 |
An overview of Information Habitat and some of the conceptual perspectives of an information ecosystem approach to the use of information technology to enable broad-based participation in decision-making, action and access to information in relation to international, national and local processes relating to sustainability, human rights and peace. |
New York 1995.07 |
Official web site for documents and information for the preparation for and follow up to the Habitat Agenda. The site included links to all major partner initiatives with an online presence, the agreements of the 1976 Habitat Conference in Vancouver, a compilation of UN documents on Housing as a Human Right, and all official documents available in electronic format in English, French and Spanish. |
New York 1996.01 |
Plan for an integrated online framework to support the role of partners in the implementation of and follow-up to the Habitat Agenda through the systematic use of electronic communications to strengthen cooperation between partners; capacity-building initiative in the use of information technology for Habitat partners. The Partnership Plan of Action was semi-formally incorporated into the Habitat follow up plans by UNCHS (Habitat) however the incorporation was lost when the domain was "hijacked" and not restored when UN Habitat subsequently acquired the domain. |
New York 1996.03 |
An overview of ecological design considerations in the development of the Habitat II Online initiative to enable coherent, intelligent response to the agenda of the Habitat II conference incorporating an ecology of information, an ecology of education, and an ecology of participation. |
New York 1996.05 |
Publication and dissemination - via e-mail, web site and on diskette - of the Habitat Agenda in English, French and Spanish. The Habitat Agenda was published on the World Wide Web and via electronic mailing lists on the same day the document was approved. |
Istanbul 1996.06 |
Compelling visual introduction to the Virtual Light and Colour Cubes. Provides a brief visual overview of the principal characteristics of the Virtual Light and Colour Cubes / Peace Cubes |
Brooklyn 1998.07 |
Electronic mailing lists | |
with the following one-line message: subscribe pip-L |
1997.10- |
The principal electronic mailing list for Non-Governmental Organizations engaged in monitoring, implementation and follow up to the Habitat Agenda agreed to at the June 1996 Habitat II Conference in Istanbul. Active.
with the following one-line message: subscribe h2o-L |
1996.12- |
The electronic mailing list for the International NGO Facilitating Group for Habitat II and for NGOs preparing for participation in Habitat II - the Second UN Conference on Human Settlements - in Istanbul in June 1996. Inactive. |
1995.05-1997.04 |
Databases |
Accreditation and participation relational database for NGOs participating in the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and in the meetings of the Preparatory Committees for the conference. |
New York, NY 1995.09 |
Database created in very short order to manage schedules for the NGO Forum, input and organize details of events and event organizers and presenters, resolve time and/or room conflicts. FORUM96 was used to generate - on-demand - interim schedules for planning purposes, and to generate up-to-date daily printed schedules and event that were posted throughout the NGO Forum site. |
Istanbul, Turkey 1996.05 |
9999.99-9999.99 | |
Habitat II Preparations
| access to information | community development | conference documents | conferences | database | economic development | freshwater | habitat & human settlements | habitat ii | information architecture | information ecology | information infrastructure | interactive processes | peace cubes | public participation | social development | sustainable development | united nations | |
information ecology projects |
key domains |
peace cubes |
digital bridges in peace |
uniting for peace |
gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search |