Digital Bridges in Peace
Development of a learning and teaching framework and network dedicated to the understanding, creation and maintenance of digital bridges to span gulfs between people and organizations, and to demonstrate how the properties of information, information systems and networks can help to make manifest the interconnectedness of all life on Earth and the healing properties of information ecology.
dataperfect digital engines,
digital bridges,
ecological design,
information ecology,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
september 11, 2001
New York, NY
Project Information Habitat
Project Information Habitat is an evolving design and demonstration of an online habitat for project information, with a set of approximately 200 web pages on projects that have been part of Information Habitat's history. The Project Information Habitat web pages are directly generated from the HABITAT3 DataPerfect relational database that serves as one of the primary digital engines for InformationMHabitat.
Project Information Habitat will also draw on the body of information that it has accumulated - incorporating the design, and where appropriate, the contents, of a set of databases in Information Habitat's possession - including databases developed by Information Habitat, as well as those it has inherited from its predecessors; archives from the electronic mailing lists managed, moderated and/or subscribed to by Information Habitat; and Information Habitat's digital library of documents.
access to information,
database-generated web sites,
dataperfect digital engines,
ecological design,
electronic publishing,
information ecology,
information economics,
New York, NY
Civic Alliance to Rebuild Downtown New York
Participant in general strategy meetings, and in the Scorecard Working Groups on Green Infrastructure and Public Participation, as an outgrowth of participation in Listening to the City. Advocate of the need to address the information ecology of Lower Manhattan and of the public transit system.
access to information,
habitat & human settlements,
information ecology,
new york city,
public participation,
sustainable development
New York, NY
September 11 Peace Memorials
Designed, developed and disseminated peace memorials to foster an appreciation of peace, and the vital need to find ways to conduct world trade in peace - not in war - and to remember the power of forgiveness and universal love - to realize that it is not possible to win a war on terrorism; to resolve the challenges of terrorism, we must seek and follow paths of healing and peace based on an appreciation of One Light in All.
habitat & human settlements,
information ecology,
interfaith dialogue,
light and colour,
new york city,
one light in all,
peace cubes
New York, NY
Financing for Development, PrepCom 3
Co-Chair, with Chief Bisi Ogunleye, Country Women Association of Nigeria, of the NGO Interlinkages Caucus; wrote and circulated Caucus statement supporting the need for holistic approaches to Financing for Developments integrating economic, social and environmental dimensions of development and the global agreements of the 1990s; co-hosted Roundtable Dialogue on Financing for Development and Knowledge-Based Economies,
conference documents,
full-cost market,
holistic approaches,
information ecology,
information economics,
preparatory committee,
social development,
sustainable development
New York, NY
Financing for Development, PrepCom 2
Active participant in the PrepCom. Organizeda Roundtable Dialogue on Financing for Development and the Knowledge-Based Economy in partnership with the Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt; circulated paper on Financing for Development and Transition to Knowledge-Based Economies.
conference documents,
full-cost market,
global transition,
information ecology,
information economics,
preparatory committee
New York, NY
Financing for Development Forum
Designed, developed and administered the Forum, intended to serve as an accessible, interactive knowledge-based forum for broad-based and informed dialogue by civil society partners in preparation for the International Conference on Financing for Development, to be held in Mexico in the Spring of 2002, with responsibilities for its web site, e-lists, database, Roundtable Dialogues, and Internet Relay Chat meetings, and the development and implementation of knowledge-based strategies to demonstrate the vital significance of a focus on financing the transition to local, national and global knowledge-based economies in conjunction with cultivating an appreciation of the fundamental properties of information, information systems and networks, and the consequent economics of information.
access to information,
conference documents,
economic development,
electronic publishing,
information ecology,
interactive processes,
knowledge-based economics,
peace cubes,
public participation,
social development,
sustainable development,
sustainable economics
New York, NY
Housing Court of Kings
Design, develop and implement a demonstration model of an online information ecology framework to provide increaed equity for tenants - particlarly those proceeding on a pro se basis in Landlord/Tenant cases in Housing Court.
The initiative takes its name from an real life case involving the defense of Information Habitat's home in the Housing Part of the Civil Court of the City of New York, County of Kings - better known to the world as Brooklyn.
The Housing Court of Kings offers a design that draws on the power of the Internet and modern information technology - in conjunction with relevant international agreeements - to remedy the Court's antiquated and dysfunctional information system that is a primary means by which equal protection under the law is systematically denied for low income tenants unable to qualify for legal assistance.
Housing Court of Kings also seeks to remedy current absence of any systematic documentation of the nature of the tenants' counterclaims and of the physical and environmental conditions in the tenant's apartment and building.
The project was conceived as a model by which local governmental bodies can and to demonstrate the value of consideration of relevant recommendations from the Habitat Agenda and from Agenda 21.
access to information,
habitat & human settlements,
information ecology,
law and the courts,
new york city
Brooklyn, NY
Gaia University
Design and development of knowledge-based curriculum, structure, information architecture and administrative framework - incorporating an extensive network of .net domains - for an Earth-centred, holistic approach to learning and teaching based on the science of Information Ecology and a recognition of One Light in all that exists - symbolized by the Light and Colour Cubes. Conceived as a key element in an evolving collaborative proof of the Gaia Mind / Global Mind hypothesis, Gaia University seeks to restore the essence of the Pythagorean / Hippocratic Oath - "First do no harm" - as a central commitment of education, and to serve as a model for a general framework for a knowledge-based economy and society based on appreciation of the fundamental properties of information, information systems and networks.
access to information,
community development,
information ecology,
interfaith dialogue,
knowledge-based economics,
one light in all,
peace cubes,
social development
New York, NY
High-level Panel of Experts on Information and Communication Technology
Participated as an observer and rapporteur for meetings of the High-Level Panel, that had been invited by the UN General Assembly in preparation for the consideration of the role of information and communications technology by the high-level segment of the year 2000 session of the Economic and Social Council; compiled a CD-Rom of documents and presentations by Panel members
information ecology,
united nations
New York, NY
Information Ecology Caucus
Established the Information Ecology Caucus as an independent NGO Caucus, in recognition that the scope of its activities and focus had evolved beyond a focus on the Commission on Sustainable Development and a relationship with the CSD/NGO Steering Committee.
access to information,
information ecology,
peace cubes,
public participation
New York, NY
Ad Hoc Open Ended Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Energy and Sustainable Development, 1st Session
Made statements during the meeting focusing on the role of information and communications technologies in redefining energy markets.
full-cost market,
information ecology,
information economics,
sustainable development,
united nations
New York, NY
Essential Economics: Towards a Holistic Framework
Created framework for "Essential Economics" as a basis for revisiting and clarifying assumptions of classical microeconomic pricing theory. The Essential Economics model, developed in the context of Holistic approaches to freshwater and an inquiry into the nature of water as an economic good, sees an economic transaction as a process at the intersection of flows of labour, money, knowledge, material resources, energy, infrastructure, etc. - flows whose properties may be altered by the transaction.
The Essential Economics framework was a primary catalyst for the development of a general framework for sustainable economics.
information ecology,
sustainable economics
New York, NY
Information Ecology Curriculum
Development of framework and outline for an open source curriculum in the elements of information ecology, with the goal of cultivating awareness of the nature and dynamics of information ecosystems and of the evolving information age based on an appreciation of the fundamental properties of information, information systems and networks and an appreciation of the one light in all of creation.
access to information,
dataperfect digital engines,
electronic publishing,
habitat & human settlements,
information ecology,
information economics,
light and colour,
peaceful properties of the internet,
public participation,
social development,
sustainable development
New York, NY
Development Planning Unit, University College London
Design and developing a curriculum in information ecology and development planning. The course is based on an evolving understanding of a holistic realization of information ecology as an operating system for a sustainable information age, and more generally on the critical importance and value of an information ecology approach in support of broad-based, transparent, accessible structures and procedures in support of public participation at local, national, regional and global levels.
access to information,
habitat & human settlements,
habitat ii,
information ecology,
local governance,
public participation,
social development
London, United Kingdom
The Other Economic Summit / US
Hosted workshop on opportunities and implications of information and communications technology. Provided technical assistance and advice in the use of electronic mailing lists and the World Wide Web in support of preparations for TOES '97.
information ecology,
sustainable development,
united nations
New York, NY
Information Habitat: Where Information Lives
Guides and directs Information Habitat - a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council - with a focus on promoting the understanding and practice of information ecology as a holistic life science and as a framework to support a global transition to knowledge-based economies, societies and environments. Throughout the global conferences of the 1990s, Information Habitat has been the leading pioneer in the systematic application of information and communications technologies in support of broad-based participation, access to information and networking by NGOs involved in the work of the United Nations, and the development of an information ecology framework that can support a transition to sustainability, human rights, justice and peace, in the context of an integrated follow up to the agreements of the United Nations Conferences of the 1990s and their reconciliation with international trade and investment agreements.
ecological design,
electronic publishing,
information ecology,
interfaith dialogue,
one light in all,
public participation,
sustainable development,
united nations
Baltimore, MD
Journey through Rio, Istanbul and Beyond
A retrospective journey in the form of a chronological annotated listing of documents and web sites - with links where available - electronic mailing lists, and databases that mark some of the highlights, landmarks and processes of the journey in more detail. The journey begins as preliminary preparations are underway for the Preparatory Committee meetings for the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro through a virtual journey to the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, by way of the Habitat II Conference in Istanbul.
access to information,
electronic publishing,
email lists,
habitat & human settlements,
information ecology,
interfaith dialogue,
peace cubes,
public participation,
social development,
sustainable development,
unced / earth summit,
united nations
Baltimore, MD
North Greenmount Community Development Federal Credit Union
Proposed the development of a microcomputer-based accounting system for a local comunity development credit union; wrote initial feasibility study and chaired sub-committee that planned the successful adoption of a multi-workstation system.
community-based organizations,
digital economics,
public participation
Baltimore, MD
The Belly Food Cooperative
Designed record-keeping card for registration of work and information-sharing activities of members of The Belly Food Cooperative, a community-based storefront natural and organic food co-op. Worked as cashier, stocking, food wrapping, and weighing and packaging of foods.
community development,
information exchange
Baltimore, MD
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University
Open Exhibition in Mathematics. B.A. Honours in Mathematics and Economics. Cox of College rowing crew.
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Global Business Hearings on Financing for Development
Circulated a paper on Financing for Development and Transition to a Knowledge-Based Economy sdddressing critical opportunities and challenges in the context of the ECOSOC 2000 Ministerial Declaration on Development and international cooperation in the twenty-first century: the role of information technology in the context of a knowledge-based global economy.
information ecology,
information economics,
peace cubes,
sustainable development
New York, NY