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Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - New York Task Force New York, NY
  • Preliminary design and development of as a demonstration project in the healing properties of the Internet as a life-support framework for the mobilization of healing resources for local, national and global partnership-based networks concerned with the prevention of HIV/AIDS and with the availability of care and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS and their families and communities, in conjunction with preparations for and follow-up to the June 2001 United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS.
Brooklyn, NY
CSD Exhibit on Water and Health New York, NY
Ad Hoc Sustainable Kitchen Caucus & Collective New York, NY
European Ministerial Conference on Environment & Health London, United Kingdom
Hands-on Healing
  • Although Hand-on Healing has had virtually no visibility, conceptually it is at the heart of the vision of Information Habitat and holds a vision - and encourages the practice - of discovering a wealth of opportunities to engage in hands-on healing relationships with the Earth and with other people - cultivating a living organic garden, preparation of healthy food, healing massage, picking up and recycling waste, and with hands on keyboards; discovering ways that electronic communication - with the new forms of public dialogue and access to information it makes possible - can become a healing force. in part by restoring common access to the properties of the whole, and making it possible for all voices to be heard.
Baltimore, MD
Greater Waverly Urban Farming Cooperative Baltimore, MD
Three Mile Island Unit 1 - NRC Restart Proceedings ,
The Belly Food Cooperative Baltimore, MD
People's Free Medical Clinic Baltimore, MD

information ecology | digital engines | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
search | peace | nonviolence | conferences | participation | united nations | habitat | ecological design | index

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