light cube - twin virtual light and colour cube - photographic negative information ecology archives light cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

information ecology | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
search | peace | nonviolence | conferences | participation | united nations | habitat | ecological design | index

Digital Bridges
DataPerfect Digital Engines - an Open Source Curriculum New York, NY
Digital Bridges in Peace New York, NY
Information Habitat: Taking IT Global New York, NY
Elements of Information Ecology - An Open Source Curriculum
  • Elements of Information Ecology has been created with the goal of facilitating the creation of a K-12+ curriculum in information ecology, and of developing it on a participatory open source platform. The projects is one of a set of projects being developed on the platform of TakingITGlobal, with the goal of strengthening the global reach of the projects and of increasing the participation of young people.
New York, NY
Peace & Nonviolence Resource Network New York, NY
Open Source Curriculum in DataPerfect and Firestorm New York, NY
Peace Caucus at the United Nations New York, NY
Rainbow Cubic Sine Waves New York, NY
Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - New York Task Force New York, NY
Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - Taking IT Global New York, NY
Whole Earth Partnership Informatics & Participation - wepip New York, NY

information ecology | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
search | peace | nonviolence | conferences | participation | united nations | habitat | ecological design | index

light and colour cube - photographic negative information ecology archives peace cube / virtual light and colour cube

the information ecology archives are registered as common content
under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike license
 XML description of web site, copy rights and license references XML description of web site, copy rights and license references
this web site is a project of information habitat: where information lives
generated by a dataperfect digital engine - illuminated by the light cubes