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New York City
Journey of Light, Reconciliation and Peace New York, NY
Civic Alliance to Rebuild Downtown New York New York, NY
Listening to the City New York, NY
September 11 Peace Memorials New York, NY
Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - New York Task Force New York, NY
Housing Court of Kings
  • Design, develop and implement a demonstration model of an online information ecology framework to provide increaed equity for tenants - particlarly those proceeding on a pro se basis in Landlord/Tenant cases in Housing Court.

    The initiative takes its name from an real life case involving the defense of Information Habitat's home in the Housing Part of the Civil Court of the City of New York, County of Kings - better known to the world as Brooklyn.

    The Housing Court of Kings offers a design that draws on the power of the Internet and modern information technology - in conjunction with relevant international agreeements - to remedy the Court's antiquated and dysfunctional information system that is a primary means by which equal protection under the law is systematically denied for low income tenants unable to qualify for legal assistance.

    Housing Court of Kings also seeks to remedy current absence of any systematic documentation of the nature of the tenants' counterclaims and of the physical and environmental conditions in the tenant's apartment and building.

    The project was conceived as a model by which local governmental bodies can and to demonstrate the value of consideration of relevant recommendations from the Habitat Agenda and from Agenda 21.

Brooklyn, NY
Y2K Tri-State Network New York, NY

information ecology | digital engines | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
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