peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

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Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - New York Task Force
access to informationchildrendatabase-generated web sitesdigital bridgeselectronic publishinghealthinformation ecologyinterfaith dialoguenew york cityngo networks, committees &nonviolenceone light in allpeacepeace cubesseptember 11, 2001united nationsvirtual light & colourweb sitesyouth |
    Role: New York City Task Force Member
    Active participant in Task Force, established and managed electronic mailing list for the Task Force. Created daily calendar web pages of daily messages that were also sent daily to an electronic mailing list during the Season for Nonviolence - from January 30 to April 4 and honoring the anniversaries of the deaths of Mahatma Gandhi and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

New York, NY
    Queries on Opening to the Light
    An inspiring set of Quaker Queries on Opening to the Light, presented by Barry Morley at Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in 1988.

State College
    Oh Say Can You See By the One Light in All!
    "Oh Say Can You See By the One Light in All!" was dedicated as the Fifth Verse of the US National Anthem at an Earth Day Interfaith Sunrise service at Fort McHenry, home of the Star-Spangled Banner and a brief description of how the Star Spangled Banner became adopted - through a grassroots process - as the U.S. National Anthem. Video by Fil Sibley, Anthem by Stephen Longfellow Fiske.

    Peace Cubes - Gifts of Light
    Home for the Peace Cubes - Virtual Light and Colour Cubes that are at the centre of a three-dimensional mathematics of colour and light and that can transform our understanding of the nature and dimensions of light and colour. The Peace Cubes can also serve as vital elements in a new global curriculum on mathematics, colour and light, as symbols for the One Light in all of Creation, and as teaching tools on the properties of knowledge-based economies, and as an introduction to the properties of zero-based economy. All of the images are computer-generated, the most recent images based on HTML tables generated from a DataPerfect database, as were most of the sets of web pages of images.

    Gandhi-King 2002 Season for Nonviolence - Calendar
    Illustrated daily calendar of themes and quotations prepared for the New York City Season for Nonviolence Task Force based on "64 Ways - 64 Days" developed by the Association for Global New Thought.

New York
    Elements of Information Ecology - An Open Source Curriculum
    A home - on the TakingITGlobal platform - for an initiative to release a prototype curriculum in the elements of information globally, in the form of a broadly accessible and understandable curriculum in information ecology for people of all ages - from birth to death.

    In conjunction with Project Information Habitat - based on a prototype information ecology platform, the curriculum - and related structures and processes - would be developed in a participatory open source framework.

    Major project elements have separate homes on the TakingITGlobal and Information Ecology platforms - with the goal of strengthening the global reach of the projects with a particular focus on engaging the interest and participation of young people.

New York
    Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - An Evolving Information Habitat
    With the theme for the 2003 Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence: Ahimsa - Opening to an Inner Light, was developed as an evolving information habitat for nonviolence resources, in honour and recognition of the life, work and teachings of Mohandas K. "Mahatma" Gandhi and of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The web site incorporates a revised and reorganized calendar of brief messages on nonviolence for each day of the season, and intended to serve as an outline framework for a seasonal ten-week curriculum in nonviolence.

    The information habitat is being developed on information ecology design principles, and is increasingly being generated through a Digital Engine.

New York
    Elements of Light and Colour - An Open Souce Curriculum
    Design, development and implementation of an open source curriculum in the elements of light and colour, based on the properties of the Virtual Light and Colour Cubes, incorporating an elementary three-dimensional mathematics of light and colour and a new appreciation and understanding of the nature and characteristics of the primary colours of light and pigment.

New York
    Nonviolence Resource Network
    The Nonviolence Resource Network is being set up as an open network to facilitate dialogue and exchange of information and resources between networks, organizations and projects that focus on nonviolence, and to promote the understanding and practice of nonviolence.

New York
    Digital Bridges in Peace
    Installation in the Digital Bridges exhibit at the Westbeth Gallery, with Reconciliation in 16 Colour Palettes as the centrepiece, framed by sets of images based on the Peace Cubes and highlighting the Peace Cubes as vital building blocks.

New York
    Electronic mailing lists
    [season-for-nonviolence] - Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence
    Electronic mailing list for sending daily message on Nonviolence during the sixty-five days of the Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - January 30 through April 4. Active.

    [snv-task-force] - New York City Task Force for the Gandhi-King Season
    The electronic mailing list for the New York City Task Force for the Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence. Discontinued.


    HABITAT3 - Habitat Three
    An evolution from the ECOLOGY database, Habitat Three is conceived of both as a preliminary organizing database for an anticipated Habitat III Conference to be held in 2016, and as a prototype digital habitat for the Third Millennium. The HABITAT3 database serves as the primary database of Information Habitat and remains one of the principle vehicles for the development of the DataPerfect Digital Engine that has become a central focus of Information Habitat: Where Information Lives.

Brooklyn, NY
    GKSNV - Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence
    Developed initially to generate the calendar pages for the 2002 Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence, GKSNV was merged into the DIGITAL database in January 2003 in preparation for a substantially enhanced web site for the 2003 Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence.

New York, NY
    DIGITAL - Digital Engine
    The Digital Engine is a prototype for an open source digital engine based on information ecology design principles. The digital engine incorporates a set of related databases designed to enable the establishment and maintenance of interactive public fora, and incorporates an evolving set of protocols for the structure, field formats of data files, and a rule-based framework for relationships between data files.

    DIGITAL is being created using DataPerfect 2.6F - a remarkably powerful, versatile, robust and elegant remarkable DOS-based relational database that was released in 1985 as a key element of the WordPerfect Library - a library that included WordPerfect 3.0, and a powerful menu driven Shell program that allows rapid switching and data exchange between Shell-compatible programs.

    The use of WordPerfect Shell 4.0 - the latest version - is integral to the design and development of the DIGITAL database, for example through the use of Shell macros that can, for example, automatically generate a set of data fields and set up formulas that define the field values; through the screen capture feature that is invaluable in documentation of the database; and enable full integration with WordPerfect 5.1+ - the still unrivalled classic of word-processing software.

New York, NY
    LIGHT - Let there be Light
    The success to the COLOURS database, LIGHT is evolving as an engine to generate light - through the generation of sets of web pages - for images based on the Light and Colour Cubes, and for sets of digital or digitized photos - and the integration of the images with text, documents, web sites, and relevant links.

New York, NY
Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - New York Task Force
access to informationchildrendatabase-generated web sitesdigital bridgeselectronic publishinghealthinformation ecologyinterfaith dialoguenew york cityngo networks, committees &nonviolenceone light in allpeacepeace cubesseptember 11, 2001united nationsvirtual light & colourweb sitesyouth |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

a project of information habitat: where information lives
information ecology index is registered under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike license