peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

Information Habitat: Taking IT Global
artchildrencommunity-based organizationsculturedataperfect digital enginesdigital bridgesdigital economicsecological designfreshwaterinformation architectureinformation ecologyknowledge-based economicslaw and the courtslight and colourmathematicsnonviolenceone light in allopen sourcepeacepublic participationreconciliationsustainable economicsvalues |
    Role: Facilitator
    A project to take the vision and practice of Information Habitat: Where Information Lives global through the platform of Taking IT Global, in the process building on a set of related initiatives on Taking IT Global.

New York, NY
    Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - TakingITGlobal
    Creation and development of a globally-accessible Information Habitat for the Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - a database-generated web site and interactive information resources in support of participation in the upcoming Season - in conjunction with an undeniable need for a timely expression of support for ways of nonviolence, peace and justice - and for ways in which creative and cooperative uses of information technology, based on an appreciation of fundamental properties of information, information systems and networks - can offer transformative opportunities for sustainability, justice and peace.

New York
    Elements of Information Ecology - An Open Source Curriculum
    A home - on the TakingITGlobal platform - for an initiative to release a prototype curriculum in the elements of information globally, in the form of a broadly accessible and understandable curriculum in information ecology for people of all ages - from birth to death.

    In conjunction with Project Information Habitat - based on a prototype information ecology platform, the curriculum - and related structures and processes - would be developed in a participatory open source framework.

    Major project elements have separate homes on the TakingITGlobal and Information Ecology platforms - with the goal of strengthening the global reach of the projects with a particular focus on engaging the interest and participation of young people.

New York
    Open Source Curriculum in DataPerfect and Firestorm
    DataPerfect and Firestorm - an Open Source Curriculum - is at the heart of the Digital Engine - a key element in Information Ecology - for the development of a set of curriculum and learning resources for the use of DataPerfect:
    • The most brilliant, elegant, versatile, robust relational database that has ever been created;
    • Can be freely downloaded
    • Effortless installation and operation on a local area network
    • Readily programmable to generate multiple sets of interlinked web pages, in clear and consistent format.
    • Existence of a very supportive DataPerfect User Group that generally generates quick and helpful responses to anyone who asks for help.
    • Macintosh version on its way - beta test by late 2003?

New York
    Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - An Evolving Information Habitat
    With the theme for the 2003 Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence: Ahimsa - Opening to an Inner Light, was developed as an evolving information habitat for nonviolence resources, in honour and recognition of the life, work and teachings of Mohandas K. "Mahatma" Gandhi and of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The web site incorporates a revised and reorganized calendar of brief messages on nonviolence for each day of the season, and intended to serve as an outline framework for a seasonal ten-week curriculum in nonviolence.

    The information habitat is being developed on information ecology design principles, and is increasingly being generated through a Digital Engine.

New York
    Elements of Light and Colour - An Open Souce Curriculum
    Design, development and implementation of an open source curriculum in the elements of light and colour, based on the properties of the Virtual Light and Colour Cubes, incorporating an elementary three-dimensional mathematics of light and colour and a new appreciation and understanding of the nature and characteristics of the primary colours of light and pigment.

New York
    Nonviolence Resource Network
    The Nonviolence Resource Network is being set up as an open network to facilitate dialogue and exchange of information and resources between networks, organizations and projects that focus on nonviolence, and to promote the understanding and practice of nonviolence.

New York
    Peaceful Properties of the Internet
    Peaceful Properties of the Internet is being established as a project to identify, examine and cultivate the intrinsic peaceful properties of the Internet, and to engage in appreciative dialogue of these properties. The project seeks to cultivate an appreciation of the peaceful properties of the Internet, in the context of the global transition to digital knowledge-based economies, societies and environments.

New York
    Digital Bridges in Peace
    Installation in the Digital Bridges exhibit at the Westbeth Gallery, with Reconciliation in 16 Colour Palettes as the centrepiece, framed by sets of images based on the Peace Cubes and highlighting the Peace Cubes as vital building blocks.

New York
Information Habitat: Taking IT Global
artchildrencommunity-based organizationsculturedataperfect digital enginesdigital bridgesdigital economicsecological designfreshwaterinformation architectureinformation ecologyknowledge-based economicslaw and the courtslight and colourmathematicsnonviolenceone light in allopen sourcepeacepublic participationreconciliationsustainable economicsvalues |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

a project of information habitat: where information lives
information ecology index is registered under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike license