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Earth Values Caucus New York, NY
The Ark of Hope New York, NY
Maine Ecology Network Blue Hill, ME
European Ministerial Conference on Environment & Health London, United Kingdom
Earth Society Foundation New York, NY
Fifth World Conference of Friends Elspeet, The Netherlands
Who Is Who: People, Projects and Organizations in Service to the Earth New York, NY
Caring for Creation secretariat Washington, DC
Baltimore Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends Baltimore, MD
Earthcare Interfaith Network
  • Developing "Foundations for a Sustainable Common Future", based on the vision of a global Interfaith network - united in their common faith-based acknowledgment vision presented at the November 1989 Globescope Pacific Assembly, in Los Angeles and key member of the organizing committee for the U.S. Citizens Network on UNCED (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) and initial interim secretariat for the Citizens Network.
Baltimore, MD
FGC Gathering 1989 Canton, NY
Friends in Global Networks Baltimore, MD
Earth Day 1990 Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Area Recycling Committee Baltimore, MD
Save Our Streams, Maryland Chapter Glen Burnie, MD
Friends Committee on Unity with Nature Ann Arbor, MI
Greater Waverly Urban Farming Cooperative Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Environmental Center Baltimore, MD
Three Mile Island Unit 1 - NRC Restart Proceedings ,
Chesapeake Energy Alliance
  • Organized and staffed literature tables on the dangers of nuclear energy and the advantages of alternative energy sources, sold bumper stickers and buttons, organized meetings and rallies. Mimeographed, collated and sorted flyers and mailings; stuffed and sorted envelopes.

    Represented the Chesapeake Energy Alliance on a pro se basis in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) proceedings concerning the re-start of Three Mile Island, Unit 1. In response to the flood of legal briefs in the case, proposed that a coherent system be established for identification of, and referral to briefs - leading to the subsequent adoption of such procedures by the NRC.

Baltimore, MD

information ecology | digital engines | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
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