peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

Who Is Who: People, Projects and Organizations in Service to the Earth
consultingdatabaseenvironmentpublishingtraining |
    Role: Consultant
    Database design, development and management and desk top publishing of Who Is Who: People, Projects and Organizations in Service to the Earth for the VisionLink Education Foundation; provided training and support in word processing, data entry, report generation and routine database management.
New York, NY
    Who Is Who: People, Projects and Organizations In Service to the Earth
    Cross-referenced, indexed database-generated directory of people, projects and organizations in service to the Earth.


    EIN - Earthcare Interfaith Network
    Core database for Earthcare Interfaith Network; framework for Who Is Who: People and Organizations in Service to the Earth. EIN also served as the database for the Citizens Alliance for UNCED (the United Nations Conference of Environment and Development aka the Earth Summit) that evolved into the U.S. Citizens Network on UNCED, an organization that facilitated and helped to coordinate most U.S. based NGOs that were accredited to UNCED. EIN maintained contact information, committee affiliation and areas of interest for members and participants in the Citizens Network. In this capacity, EIN enabled frequently updated generation and distribution of directories of Network participants, including a directory of participants in the founding meeting of the U.S. Citizens Network on UNCED. EIN also served as a database for the Information and Communications Committee of the NGO Strategy Group for UNCED.

Baltimore, MD
    WHOISWHO - Who Is Who: People, Projects and Organizations in Service to the Earth
    Database designed and developed to enable the publication of Who Is Who: People, Projects and Organizations in Service to the Earth. WHOISWHO enabled the compilation, classification and organization of the people and projects, and the directory - the core of the book - was directly created though WordPerfect 5.0 from a file generated from WHOISWHO.

New York, NY
    RIO-92 - Who is Who in Rio
    Edited and partially corrected data from the "Who is Who in Rio" - a directory of the more than 22,000 participants - governmental, intergovernmental, non-governmental and press - who were registered participants in Rio de Janeiro at the Earth Summit.

Millbrook, UK
Who Is Who: People, Projects and Organizations in Service to the Earth
consultingdatabaseenvironmentpublishingtraining |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

a project of information habitat: where information lives
information ecology index is registered under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike license