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Consensus Documents
Uniting for Peace Coalition New York, NY
Towards Earth Summit II - NGO/CSD Steering Committee New York, NY
Roots of the Future: International NGO Conference Paris, France
International NGO Forum preparations Geneva, Switzerland
Fifth World Conference of Friends Elspeet, The Netherlands
US Citizens Network on UNCED Washington, DC
Baltimore Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Area Recycling Committee Baltimore, MD
Friends Committee on Unity with Nature Ann Arbor, MI
Homewood Monthly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends
  • Clerk of Ad Hoc Committee on Unity with Nature, compiled and edited a set of Queries on Unity with Nature based on identification and organization of themes included in a compilation of related queries developed by other Quaker Monthly and Yearly Meetings. The Queries on Unity with Nature were later incorporated as the Quaker contribution to the Environmental Sabbath programme of the United Nations Environmental Programme. Developed a database of Members and Attenders of the Meeting.
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore City Jail Administrative Analysis
  • Developed microcomputer plans, training and recommendations; developed and edited Policy and Procedures Manual for compliance with Maryland State standards; published staff newsletter; produced audiovisual materials for orientation of incoming residents; developed plans and proposals; prepared budgets and position descriptions; served as in-house consultant to mid-level correctional and administrative staff, including the design and management of a process for maintenance of an orderly schedule for meals, recreation and other services to inmates.
Baltimore, MD

information ecology | digital engines | light cubes | gandhi-king season | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace
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