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Information Habitat: Where Information Lives
| conferences | database | ecological design | economics | electronic publishing | information ecology | interfaith dialogue | mathematics | one light in all | peace | public participation | publishing | sustainable development | united nations | |
Role: Founder, Information Ecologist
habitat.igc.org |
Baltimore, MD
1990.05- |
Documents | |
"Oh Say Can You See By the One Light in All!" was dedicated as the Fifth Verse of the US National Anthem at an Earth Day Interfaith Sunrise service at Fort McHenry, home of the Star-Spangled Banner and a brief description of how the Star Spangled Banner became adopted - through a grassroots process - as the U.S. National Anthem. Video by Fil Sibley, Anthem by Stephen Longfellow Fiske. information-habitat.net/oh-say-can-you-see |
Baltimore 1990.04 |
A preliminary proposal and discussion of NGO communication and information needs as they relate to effective participation in the process of preparing for the 1992 UNCED; recommendations for design and structuring on-line electronic conferences to facilitate communications and access to information. information-habitat.net/docs/ippcs.htm |
Baltimore 1990.06 |
Discussion and notes on a proposal for structuring the use of on-line conferences in conjunction with real-time (conventional) conferences. Developed for the organizers of the Global Plant Species Information System, held in Delphi in 1990.07. |
Baltimore 1990.07 |
A brief overview of UNCED-related computer communications, the Concise Guide was produced for the first PrepCom meeting, and widely distributed by the UNCED Secretariat and vie electronic conferences and electronic mail. information-habitat.net/docs/cc-unced.htm |
Nairobi & Baltimore, MD 1990.08 |
Information Habitat promotes the understanding and practice of information ecology - based on the recognition of information systems as ecosystems - sets of interrelated and interdependent structures and processes that can best be understood if viewed as a whole - and in the context of the critical relationships between information ecosystems and other ecosystems - social, institutional, economic, legal, cultural and natural. Information Habitat is a Non-Governmental Organization in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council. information-habitat.net |
New York 1995.06 |
An overview of Information Habitat and some of the conceptual perspectives of an information ecosystem approach to the use of information technology to enable broad-based participation in decision-making, action and access to information in relation to international, national and local processes relating to sustainability, human rights and peace. information-habitat.net/concept/ |
New York 1995.07 |
Official web site for documents and information for the preparation for and follow up to the Habitat Agenda. The site included links to all major partner initiatives with an online presence, the agreements of the 1976 Habitat Conference in Vancouver, a compilation of UN documents on Housing as a Human Right, and all official documents available in electronic format in English, French and Spanish. |
New York 1996.01 |
Plan for an integrated online framework to support the role of partners in the implementation of and follow-up to the Habitat Agenda through the systematic use of electronic communications to strengthen cooperation between partners; capacity-building initiative in the use of information technology for Habitat partners. The Partnership Plan of Action was semi-formally incorporated into the Habitat follow up plans by UNCHS (Habitat) however the incorporation was lost when the unhabitat.org domain was "hijacked" and not restored when UN Habitat subsequently acquired the domain. |
New York 1996.03 |
Statement at 1996 Earth Day celebration at the Peace Bell at United Nations Headquarters, extending an invitation to participate in a journey - to Istanbul and beyond; a journey of recommitment to the principles and values of Earth Day; a journey of discovery and exploration of new ways and tools with which we can work together in fulfilling the vision of Earth Day. information-habitat.net/journey/ |
New York 1996.03 |
An overview of ecological design considerations in the development of the Habitat II Online initiative to enable coherent, intelligent response to the agenda of the Habitat II conference incorporating an ecology of information, an ecology of education, and an ecology of participation. information-habitat.net/h2o/design.htm |
New York 1996.05 |
Speaking notes for Information Habitat at the Informal Soundings on ECOSOC Decision 1996/297. Recommendations, inter alia, on an inclusive approach to participation of NGOs, on the value of systematic use of information and communication technology, and on examination of innovative participation processes used in the Habitat II conference. information-habitat.net/interven/is-9611.htm |
New York 1996.12 |
Recommendations for use of information technology to strengthen participation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) including enhanced access to United Nations documents, the Daily Journal and press releases by NGOs in Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council. information-habitat.net/interven/app9701.htm |
New York 1997.01 |
Publication in html format of all available official documents - in English, Spanish and French - of the Sixteenth Session of the United Nations Commission for Human Settlements. The web-based publication was accompanied by dissemination of key documents and of the availability of all documents through an extensive network of electronic mailing lists. |
New York 1997.02 |
Web site for the 1997 celebration of Earth Day on the Equinox at the Peace Bell at United Nations Headquarters, with the theme "A Culture of Peace". The ceremony was broadcast live on the Internet via streaming video. information-habitat.net/earthday |
New York 1997.03 |
Compilation of information resources and documents in support of participation by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the work of the Commission on Sustainable Development and preparations for Earth Summit II. The site highlighted the consensus NGO document "Toward Earth Summit Two: NGO Recommendations for Commitments and Action" which included a key section on Information Ecology. The NGO Steering Committee now maintains its own web site - http://www.csdngo.org/csdngo information-habitat.net/ngocsd/ |
New York 1997.03 |
Dedication of the Virtual Light and Colour Cube as a Peace Cube at the Earthday on the Equinox on the Internet ceremony at United Nations Headquarters on 1997.03.20 information-habitat.net/one-light/dedicate.htm |
New York 1997.03 |
Statement of Information Habitat at the NGO Consultation on Increasing Access to the UN General Assembly and its Committees and all areas of the work of the UN. Recommendations for an inclusive approach to NGO participation based on information ecology, methodology, and on Government/NGO partnership. information-habitat.net/interven/ih-9704.htm |
New York 1997.04 |
A call for a major commitment to analyze and explore the opportunities and implications of the rapidly evolving "information and communication ecosystem" and to identify critical information ecology issues relating to sustainability; also a call for the design and establishment of, and support for participatory enabling environments within which information and communications technologies, systems and processes - including traditional and non-electronic forms - can facilitate a transition to more open, equitable and sustainable communities and society. information-habitat.net/csdngo/1997/ie.htm |
New York 1997.04 |
An early visual presentation of some of the basic colour equations between the additive (light) and subtractive (pigment) primary colours as expressed through the faces of the light and colour cubes. information-habitat.net/equations/ |
New York 1997.05 |
Images developed from the presentation of the "virtual light and colour cube" at its dedication as a peace cube at the Earthday on the Equinox on the Internet Ceremony at the Peace Bell at United Nations Headquarters, New York. The images highlight rhythmic qualities, photographic negativity, and the primary lights and pigments of the cubes. www.un-documents.net/images/index.html |
New York 1997.05 |
Publication of Guides to the implementation of the Habitat Agenda, and a framework - the Habitat Online Partnership Plan of Action designed to enable monitoring and implementation of the Habitat Agenda. |
New York 1997.06 |
Consensus document presenting NGO recommendations for Actions and Commitments at Earth Summit II, the five year review of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. information-habitat.net/csdngo/1997/es2ngo1.html |
New York 1997.06 |
A demonstration template for a committee of the Conference of Non-governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO), and developed in the context of the Partnership Informatics and Participation initiative. |
New York 1997.09 |
Resolution on Information and Communications - proposed by Information Habitat: Where Information Lives and International Council of Jewish Women and adopted by the 20th General Assembly of the Conference of NGOs - to recognize the opportunities offered by modern information and communications technology to increase their effectiveness and to strengthen the participation of NGOs in the work of the United Nations. www.un-documents.net/docs/ic-congo.htm |
Geneva 1997.11 |
Statement submitted to the UN Commission on Social Development on the critical need and opportunity to develop virtual structures for public participation to complement conventional and traditional structures, with particular reference to the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), the threats the MAI poses to social development goals, and the need for its reconciliation with the global agreements from Rio to Istanbul. information-habitat.net/socdev/ngo10.htm |
New York 1998.02 |
Seed bed for the development and implementation of a curriculum in information ecology designed to establish templates for the participatory use of information technology by local governments and local communities and organizations. The site has also been used to make available - via e-mail and or a world wide web browser - key documents relating to public participation in consultation and decision-making relating to water, sustainability and health and the implementation of the agreement in the Habitat Agenda and Agenda 21. |
London 1998.02 |
1998.04 |
Preliminary schematic representation for "Essential Economics". The model, developed in the context of "Holistic approaches to freshwater" and the consideration of the nature of water as an economic good at the 6th Session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, describes an economic transaction as a process at the intersection of flows of labour, money, knowledge, material resources, energy, infrastructure, etc. information-habitat.net/ie/ien-essence.pdf |
Brooklyn 1998.04 |
Introductory presentation on the nature of primary colours based on the existence of - and symmetry and complementarity between - two sets of primary colours - red, green & blue for light; cyan, magenta & yellow for pigment. peace-cubes.net/primary-colours.pdf |
New York 1998.09 |
A brief overview of information ecology focussing on the emerging significance of information space, of the need for public information space and the development of such spaces through the use of information and communications technology in the course of the series of global conferences of the 1990, and of the electronic mailing list as the key tool in support of non-governmental participation in the global conferences, with an overview of properties of electronic mailing lists and recommendations. Presented at "The Challenges of Information Technology for the Non-Profit Sector". Powerpoint presentation. information-habitat.net/ie/ie-is.pdf |
Vienna 1998.11 |
An outline of a general information ecology approach in support of information and communication needs of a Millennium Forum - or set of Forums. An overview of some historical roots of information ecology and its evolution in support of the participation of non-governmental organizations in preparations for and follow-up to the global conferences of the 1990s. (Draft, in progress) |
Brooklyn 1998.12 |
A holistic perspective on information flows, recognizing three fundamental dimensions of information space - content / substance, personal / community relationships, and the nature of information technology - and three basic phases of information processing - compilation / organization, communication / dissemination, and reception / utilisation. Powerpoint presentation. |
Turin 1998.12 |
Case study / report on a partnership-based information ecology framework for integrated follow-up to the Habitat Agenda and the global agreements of the 1990s. Presented at the "New Partnerships for Action" conference at the United Nations Staff College. Powerpoint presentation. information-habitat.net/ie/wepip.pdf |
Turin 1998.12 |
A preliminary overview of some basics of information ecology and the relationship between information systems and other ecosystems; the nature of key properties of information and information flows and exchanges, including implications of physical properties of information - zero mass and size, light-speed; and overview of the application of information technology in support of the participation of NGOs in the preparation for and follow-up to the agreements of the global conferences of the 1990s. information-habitat.net/ie/ien-iie.pdf |
Brooklyn 1998.12 |
An overview of the design of an online micro-library service, using the mailbase electronic mailing list system developed by and for British universities. Documents would be maintained in plain text, WordPerfect 5.1, and portable document format, and would be accessible by electronic mail as well as via the world wide web. (Draft, in progress) www.un-documents.net/ien-mmls.ppt |
Brooklyn 1998.12 |
Declaration adopted at a Conference in Soesterberg, The Netherlands, by Non-Governmental Organizations preparing for participation in the European Ministerial Conference on Environment & Health organized World Health Organization that includes recommendations on protocols for public participation and access to information based on the principles of the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters. |
Soesterberg 1999.01 |
For building 5 cm / 2" models of the light and colour cubes, and creating sets of the twelve "face cards" of the cubes - the surfaces of colour. |
Brooklyn 1999.01 |
Templates for domino-format tiles, with pairs of adjacent faces. jpg format available for printing on A3 or 11x17, to copy on card stock. Discover some of the patterns, cycles and symmetry. pdf format. |
Brooklyn 1999.01 |
Templates for domino-format tiles, with mirror faces. A4 / 8.5x11"; also available in jpg format for printing on A3 or 11x17, to copy on card stock. Infinite variations, patterns, symmetry, rhythms and cycles. pdf format. |
Brooklyn 1999.01 |
Priorities of the Millennium Forum, to he held at United Nations Headquarters, 22-26 May 2000. Outline, generated in Inspiration(r), in pdf format. www.un-documents.net/mf-priority.pdf |
New York 1999.01 |
Non-Governmental Organizations at the United Nations - a partnership to assist the UN Secretary-General in responding to the decision 1996/31 of the Economic and Social Council on Consultative Arrangements for Non-Governmental Organizations" through a comprehensive approach to the application of modern information and communications technology in support of facilitation and documentation of NGOs in the work of the United Nations. |
Brooklyn 1999.02 |
Introduction to the faces of the light and colour cubes - and to a three-dimensional mathematics of light and colour. 10 slides / pages. Generated in Powerpoint; pdf format. |
Brooklyn 1999.10 |
Sketch of some key domains of nature - rainforest domains, island domains, wildflower domains and more. Generated in Inspiration(r), in pdf format. www.un-documents.net/ien-domains.pdf |
Brooklyn 1999.10 |
Schematic outline of key characteristics and relationships, and elements of the ecological properties relational database - engine of the market, incorporating "double entry bookkeeping for the earth". Outline, generated in Inspiration(r), in pdf format. information-habitat.net/ie/fullcost.pdf |
Brooklyn 1999.10 |
Sketch of the conceptual, practical and spiritual heritage of Information Ecology. Generated in Inspiration(r) software; pdf format. |
Brooklyn 1999.10 |
Sketch of a framework for monitoring and implementing the Habitat Agenda. Outline generated in Inspiration(r), in pdf format. information-habitat.net/ie/ien-hoppa.pdf |
Brooklyn 1999.10 |
Key material, economic, social and practical factors, in the context of electronic mail as a common and economical medium for communication and information exchange. Outline, generated in Inspiration(r), in pdf format. information-habitat.net/ie/ien-ieem.pdf |
Brooklyn 1999.10 |
Fundamental properties and characteristics of networks, including integrity, connectivity, governance and groundedness. Outline, generated in Inspiration(r) in pdf format. information-habitat.net/ie/ien-network.pdf |
Brooklyn 1999.10 |
Partnership initiatives using information and communication technologies to support orderly broad-based public participation in local, national, regional, and global decision-making processes relating to sustainability, equity, human rights & peace. |
Brooklyn 1999.10 |
Presentation of images from the 1997 Equinox Earthday dedication of the Light and Colour Cubes as Peace Cubes. pdf format, generated in PowerPoint (r). |
Brooklyn 1999.10 |
Sketch of major areas of database elements in ngos@un - a comprehensive relational database of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) at the United Nations. Inspiration-generated file, in pdf format. |
Brooklyn 1999.10 |
Outline of conceptual basis of Information Ecology networks and Information Ecology domains. |
Brooklyn 1999.10 |
Properties of zero mass, zero physical size, speed of light, common access to properties of the whole; principles governing value, flow, management and understanding of information. Outline in pdf format, generated in Inspiration®. |
Brooklyn 1999.11 |
Properties of information - zero mass, zero physical size, speed of light, common access to properties of the whole; principles governing information. Outline in pdf format, generated in Inspiration. |
Brooklyn 1999.11 |
Information ecology, justice and the law. A framework and a test case / case study in an information ecology-enabled transformation of the Housing Part of the Civil Court of the City of New York, Kings County - better known as Brooklyn. Housing Court of kings is also intended to serve as a model framework to strengthen the role of Housing Courts to do justice to the rights of tenants, and to the responsibilities of landlords to maintain their properties in a lawful, ecologically-sound manner in keeping with the language and the spirit of international agreements on sustainable housing and sustainable communities and cities, and on sustainable, participatory development. information-habitat.net/hck/overview.pdf |
Brooklyn 2000.07 |
A web-based home for Gaia University and for a preliminary presentation of the Gaia Mind Hypothesis, including a presentation of an extensive set of Internet domains that were registered by members of the Gaia University family of organizations. Each of the domains was intended to play a central role in the curriculum and administration of Gaia University, and are being designed and developed within an information ecology domain framework. |
Brooklyn 2000.07 |
A presentation of the primary equations of colour and light, the symmetry of light and pigment, and the nine primary colours. Nine Primary Colors is also a demonstration and appreciation of the power of zero in the three-dimensional mathematics of colour - and in any numeric system. |
Brooklyn 2000.07 |
A set of twenty-four of the forty-eight diagonal faces of the cubes - the twelve in which either black is at bottom or top, or where white is at the top or bottom. Click on any images that gets your attention - when you see it at the center, its negative is in the lower right. information-habitat.net/faces-vertical/index.htm |
New York 2000.09 |
Home for the Peace Cubes - Virtual Light and Colour Cubes that are at the centre of a three-dimensional mathematics of colour and light and that can transform our understanding of the nature and dimensions of light and colour. The Peace Cubes can also serve as vital elements in a new global curriculum on mathematics, colour and light, as symbols for the One Light in all of Creation, and as teaching tools on the properties of knowledge-based economies, and as an introduction to the properties of zero-based economy. All of the images are computer-generated, the most recent images based on HTML tables generated from a DataPerfect database, as were most of the sets of web pages of images. information-habitat.net/peace-cubes/ |
Brooklyn 2000.10 |
A home for the establishment and maintenance of digital bridges - across the many gulfs - digital and otherwise - that have divided and separated people, communities, organizations and governments. Digital Bridges designs and architecture draw on the fundamental properties of information, information systems and networks, including the fact that information has zero mass, zero physical size and can travel at the speed of light, and that information systems now make possible common access to and observation of properties of the whole. [under construction] |
Brooklyn 2000.10 |
A set of the ninety-six peace tiles - based on mirror images of the faces and the cycles of all possible pairs of contiguous faces of the Peace Cubes. Each colourful tile is framed below a frieze of the corresponding faces. The bottom frieze contains the photographic negative of the tile. Below that are the sixteen "cycle tiles" corresponding to the faces of the main tile. Sound complicated? In practice it is easy - and fun if you let your eyes and feelings guide you. Virtually no words, yet simple to grasp visually.
The web site for the Peace Tiles was launched on October 24, United Nations Day, 2000.
Brooklyn 2000.10 |
A meditation on the forty-eight faces of the light and colour cubes. Each face represents a meeting place of four primary colours and may evoke a unique feeling. Each face is framed below a frieze of the eight rotations and reflections of itself. At the lower right of the face is its photographic negative. A bottom frieze contains small icons of the forty eight faces. Easy - and enjoyable; forget about words; let your eyes and feelings guide you. information-habitat.net/faces/ |
Brooklyn 2000.10 |
An analysis of the critical need for the Financing for Development (FfD) process at the United Nations to focus attention on the need for financing development that enables participation of developing countries in the new knowledge-based economy, and an identification of some of the key issues that need to be considered in the transition to a knowledge-based economy. Prepared for the FfD Business Hearings. information-habitat.net/ffd-kbe/index.htm |
New York 2000.12 |
A partnership-based online web-site in support of access to information and participation in consultations relating to the preparations for the High Level United Nations event on Financing for Development scheduled for the first quarter of 2002. Incorporated a comprehensive compilation of English-language PrepCom documents in HTML format, with links to relevant background documents, and PDF copies of Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish documents. |
Brooklyn 2000.12 |
Healing a Nation is intended to serve as a home for an online forum in support of President-Elect George W. Bush's commitment to engage in a process of healing the divides in the U.S. that had become visible in the U.S. Presidential Election in the year 2000. The site highlights a fifth verse of the U.S. National Anthem, beginning with "Oh say can you see, by the one light in all", dedicated at a sunrise interfaith Earth Day ceremony held in April 1990 at Fort McHenry, birthplace of the National Anthem. |
Brooklyn 2000.12 |
"A picture is worth a thousand words." A graphic representation of the incidence of HIV/AIDS infection through the use of geographic information system maps compiled by the UN-AIDS programme. The maps vividly and directly make visible both the extent of infection, and its growth, at five year intervals in Africa, South America and Asia. www.un-documents.net/hiv-aids-care/index.htm |
Brooklyn 2001.03 |
An endless sequence of cycling "rainbow cubic sine waves" - based on a mapping of the colours of the Light and Colour Cubes onto the shape of a sine wave in a quest to reconcile and connect the cubes and the rainbow, as well as to bridge the gulf between the square and cube and the circle and sphere. information-habitat.net/reconcile/rcsw.htm |
New York 2001.12 |
A meditative online presentation of the Queries on Opening to the Light - a presentation that serves as the opening segment of a Journey of Light, Reconciliation and Peace prepared in response to September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. information-habitat.net/queries/index.htm |
New York 2001.12 |
A cycle of eight images of the skyline of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center - illuminated by the arrival and receding of the Light and Colour Cubes in an endless cycle. Clicking on the image enables more information, and access to prior and next steps in A Journey of Light, Reconciliation and Peace. information-habitat.net/twin-beacons/index.htm |
New York 2001.12 |
A set of twelve cycling page with images of mirrored twin pairs of Light and Colour Cubes, showing all possible regular presentations from the white and black apexes of the cubes. The images are clickable, providing access to more information and to other phases of the Journey of Light, Reconciliation and Peace. information-habitat.net/twin-cubes/index.htm |
New York 2001.12 |
A cycling series of twenty-four pages with images of "Twisted Pairs of Light and Colour Cubes" - pairs of cubes in which the one is the unseen side of the other. information-habitat.net/twisted-pairs/index.htm |
New York 2001.12 |
A set of eight cycling images with the principal protagonists in a War of - President George W. Bush, Vice-President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of State Colin Powell and Osama bin Laden - against backgrounds of the Light and Colour Cubes and of the six non-zero primary colours. information-habitat.net/reconcile/primary.htm |
New York 2001.12 |
A set of seventy-two images with the primary representatives of the September 11 protagonists - President George W. Bush, Vice-President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of State Colin Powell and Osama bin Laden against backgrounds of the Light and Colour Cubes transposed into sixteen colour images, and serving as visual metaphors for ways that our perception of our enemies can be distorted when we see them from a limited palette, and one in which our enemies' colours are only partially represented. information-habitat.net/reconcile/16colour.htm |
New York 2001.12 |
Interfaith journey invoking light, reconciliation and peace in response to the World Trade Center bombings of September 11 and the aftermath of the bombings. The journey is a series of eight brief passages: Queries on Opening to the Light; Twin Beacons of Light; Twin Light and Colour Cubes; Twisted Pairs of Cubes; Oh Say Can You See By the One Light in All; Reconciliation in Primary Colours; Reconciliation in 16 Colour Palettes; and The Great Invocation. information-habitat.net/reconcile/ |
New York 2001.12 |
2002.03 |
Overview of key concepts and issues in information ecology as it evolved in the course of a focus on information and communications technology in the context of NGO participation in UN Conferences and related NGO and intergovernmental proceedings beginning with preparations for the 1992 Earth Summit and leading into the 10 year review of the Earth Summit in Johannesburg. Presented to the Information Technology SIG at Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, information-habitat.net/ie/iie.pdf |
New Haven 2002.04 |
Databases |
The initial database for Information Habitat: Where Information Lives; succeeded by the NGOS@UN database. During the active life of INFOHAB, it was the locus of major growth in its structure and contents, and was used to manage, inter alia, databases for key NGO Committees - on Human Settlements, Social Development, Sustainable Development, the NGO Steering Committee to the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development, and the preliminary database for participants in preparations for the Millennium Forum. |
New York, NY 1995.05 |
The Internet database is the successor to the NGOS@UN database, incorporating a significant number of new data files - now totalling 99, including the water-body oriented geographic data structure that were developed in preparation for Y2K contingency planning, and a set of data files for Internet domain names, the registration of which was a major focus of activity in the year 2000, and that are central components in the design of Gaia University and in an evolving proof of the Gaia Mind hypothesis. |
Brooklyn, NY 2000.06 |
ECOLOGY was the successor to the INTERNET database, renamed to focus attention on its ecological properties, and incorporating minor revisions and updates to its structure, in addition to the conceptual shift associated with the change of name. |
Brooklyn, NY 2000.11 |
An evolution from the ECOLOGY database, Habitat Three is conceived of both as a preliminary organizing database for an anticipated Habitat III Conference to be held in 2016, and as a prototype digital habitat for the Third Millennium. The HABITAT3 database serves as the primary database of Information Habitat and remains one of the principle vehicles for the development of the DataPerfect Digital Engine that has become a central focus of Information Habitat: Where Information Lives. |
Brooklyn, NY 2001.03 |
9999.99-9999.99 | |
Information Habitat: Where Information Lives
| conferences | database | ecological design | economics | electronic publishing | information ecology | interfaith dialogue | mathematics | one light in all | peace | public participation | publishing | sustainable development | united nations | |
![]() |
information ecology projects |
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key domains |
peace cubes |
digital bridges in peace |
uniting for peace |
gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search |