peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

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Project Information Habitat
access to informationdatabase-generated web sitesdataperfect digital enginesecological designeconomicseducationelectronic publishinginformation ecologyinformation economicsmathematics |
    Role: Information Ecologist
    Project Information Habitat is an evolving design and demonstration of an online habitat for project information, with a set of approximately 200 web pages on projects that have been part of Information Habitat's history. The Project Information Habitat web pages are directly generated from the HABITAT3 DataPerfect relational database that serves as one of the primary digital engines for Information Habitat.

    Project Information Habitat will also draw on the body of information that it has accumulated - incorporating the design, and where appropriate, the contents, of a set of databases in Information Habitat's possession - including databases developed by Information Habitat, as well as those it has inherited from its predecessors; archives from the electronic mailing lists managed, moderated and/or subscribed to by Information Habitat; and Information Habitat's digital library of documents.

New York, NY

New York

    APC - Alternative Press Centre
    Database for the Alternative Press Index, a quarterly index of alternative publications. APC directly generated the body of the Index, creating massive secondary merge files - based on a multiple classification of the articles included in the index. The output from APC was merged into WordPerfect 4.0, and with the application of a few keystroke macros and the use of styles, generated the final, camera-ready copy for the body of the Index.

Baltimore, MD
    BEC - Baltimore Environmental Center
    Directory of members and committee membership. Used to generate mailing labels and to generate calendar listings for the monthly newsletter - The Beacon - that was edited and produced using WordPerfect 4.2

Baltimore, MD
    BALANCE - Balancing Checking Accounts & Cash Flow
    Checking account balance; elaboration of an original DataPerfect template with increased detail, including provision for multiple bank accounts, Petty Cash accounts, vendor information, etc.

Baltimore, MD
    BWCO - Better Waverly Community Organization
    Database for the Better Waverly Community Organization, including listing of members, homeowners, all properties in the neighborhood, the registered ownership of the properties and other information on the properties and their ownership. Used for newsletter mailing labels, sorted by postal code, and in conjunction with a campaign to identify owners of deteriorating or delinquent properties.

Baltimore, MD
    RECYCLE - Baltimore Recycling Committee
    Participants, committees, committee membership, etc. of the Baltimore Recycling Committee of the Citizens Planning and Housing Association, and for participants in the Recycling Conference organized by the Committee and follow up commitments made by Conference participants. RECYCLE was used to generate mailing labels, and generate a series of updated directories

Baltimore, MD
    EIN - Earthcare Interfaith Network
    Core database for Earthcare Interfaith Network; framework for Who Is Who: People and Organizations in Service to the Earth. EIN also served as the database for the Citizens Alliance for UNCED (the United Nations Conference of Environment and Development aka the Earth Summit) that evolved into the U.S. Citizens Network on UNCED, an organization that facilitated and helped to coordinate most U.S. based NGOs that were accredited to UNCED. EIN maintained contact information, committee affiliation and areas of interest for members and participants in the Citizens Network. In this capacity, EIN enabled frequently updated generation and distribution of directories of Network participants, including a directory of participants in the founding meeting of the U.S. Citizens Network on UNCED. EIN also served as a database for the Information and Communications Committee of the NGO Strategy Group for UNCED.

Baltimore, MD
    LICENCES - Licences for Software and Hardware
    Record of software and hardware purchases, vendor and manufacturer name and information, date of purchase, phone numbers, license numbers, web location for support information, etc.

Baltimore, MD
    SCHOOLS - Report Card on Baltimore City Elementary Schools
    Data compiled on measures of academic achievement and student behavior, in response to an initiative of the Education Committee of the Citizens Planning and Housing Association in Baltimore. The data were made available by the Baltimore City Public Schools Department and were used to generate a Report Card on Elementary Schools with clearly presented table format. The Report Card served to focus public attention on schools with records of poor performance and behavior.

Baltimore, MD
    CFC - Caring For Creation Conference participants
    Participants, with registration information, at the Caring for Creation interfaith conference on religion and responsibility for caring for the earth and all creation. It was here that the name "Information Habitat: Where Information Lives" was conceived, and was given expression in a booth exhibit by that name at the conference.

Washington, DC
    WHOISWHO - Who Is Who: People, Projects and Organizations in Service to the Earth
    Database designed and developed to enable the publication of Who Is Who: People, Projects and Organizations in Service to the Earth. WHOISWHO enabled the compilation, classification and organization of the people and projects, and the directory - the core of the book - was directly created though WordPerfect 5.0 from a file generated from WHOISWHO.

New York, NY
    DATES - Day of the week
    Gives the day of the week for any date between March 1900 and 2078, and displays the date in expanded Digital Date Forma: - Day, Date, Month, Year.

Baltimore, MD
    PARIS - Participants in Roots of the Future, International NGO Conference, Paris
    Organizational affiliation, addresses, etc. of participants in the International NGO Conference in Paris in December 1991. Source of directory of conference participants.

Paris, France
    DAZIBAO - First Draft of Da Zi Bao Database Design
    First draft of the database for the [[Da Zi Bao]] participant interactive message system that was launched at the [[Roots of the Future]] in Paris in December 1991, the final major preparatory meeting before the June 1992 [[Earth Summit]].

Paris, France
    DZB-1 - Da Zi Bao - Roots of the Future
    The database for a "participant interactive message system" that was based on a compilation of concise (50 words or less) messages from the participants of the Roots of the Future International NGO Conference in Paris. The issues of Da Zi Bao were generated from WP5.1 secondary merge files generated from the database and the use of WP5.1 macros and styles. A total of nine issues were published during the four days of the conference, and a compilation of all the messages, organized by key word, was generated from DZB-1.

Paris, France
    DZB-GH - Da Zi Bao - Global Heart Convocation
    Four single page issues of Da Zi Bao were published in a small-scale, informal implementation of the Da Zi Bao process at the gathering of people on the basis of a Heart-centered concern for the issues of the upcoming Earth Summit.

Tucson, AZ
    DZB-GS - Da Zi Bao - Second Global Structures Convocation
    A simplified version of DZB-1 database, with seven issues published in the two-day conference including one hundred and three messages from seventy-six participants.

Washington, DC
    SYNERGY - International Synergy Institute
    Primary database for the International Synergy Institute, successor to EIN, and served as a database of NGOs participating in the final stages of preparation for the Earth Summit and the followup to the Summit, and participation in subsequent UN Conferences, especially for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, held in Copenhagen in 1995.

Baltimore, MD
    DZB-PC4 - Da Zi Bao - UNCED PrepCom 4
    Full-text database of all the Da Zi Bao issues during the final Preparatory Committee for UNCED (the Earth Summit). 17 issues, 175 messages published.

New York, NY
    VOL-DZB - Volunteers and team members for Da Zi Bao at Rio
    Volunteers, including active team members for Da Zi Bao at Rio

New York, NY
    DZB-IS - Da Zi Bao - Inter-Sectoral Dialogue Meeting, '92 Global Forum

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
    DZB-RIO - Da Zi Bao - '92 Global Forum
    Full text database containing the fifty-eight issues of the Da Zi Bao interactive bulletin that were published during the '92 Global Forum in Rio; 21 issues were in English, 25 in Portuguese, 8 in Spanish and 4 in French. More than 2,200 separate messages in all were published - more than 2,800 records were gathered. An additional 10 issues of Da Zi Bao were published in conjunction with the Inter-Sectoral Dialogue meetings at the Global Forum.

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
    IPC-PR - International Press Centre Press Releases, from Rio
    Full text searchable database of the press releases from the International Press Centre at the Global Forum in Rio de Janeiro

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
    NGOUNCED - NGOs Accredited to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
    Documentation of information pertaining to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) accredited to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) Conference - and made available by the NGO Liaison Office of the UNCED Secretariat. NGOUNCED incorporated information on NGO representatives, relevance, sectors, key words, accreditation dates and record of the official Conference document approving the accreditation.

Baltimore, MD
    ANPED - Alliance of Northern People for Environment & Development
    Members of the Alliance of Northern People for Environment & Development (ANPED) and participants at its November 1992 Annual meeting - in Budapest, Hungary - to discuss plans, visions and strategy for European NGO follow-up to the Earth Summit and the Global Forum.

Budapest, Hungary
    RIO-92 - Who is Who in Rio
    Edited and partially corrected data from the "Who is Who in Rio" - a directory of the more than 22,000 participants - governmental, intergovernmental, non-governmental and press - who were registered participants in Rio de Janeiro at the Earth Summit.

Millbrook, UK
    TREATIES - Rio Agreements: Agenda 21, Biodiversity & Climate Conventions, etc.
    Full text searchable database of all the Rio Agreements: Agenda 21, Rio Declaration, Biodiversity & Climate Conventions, Forest Principles, Alternative Treaties and Women's Action Agenda 21. TREATIES was used to generate the first version of Agenda 21 to be published in HTML format on the World Wide Web, in June 1995.

    Based on recent revisions, TREATIES is able to generate an interlinked set of web pages with the identification of all the occurrences in Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration of selected words and phrases - presently for up to three words or phrases.

Millbrook, UK
    ASSEMBLY - Assembly of Religious and Spiritual Leaders at the Parliament of World Religions
    Database that was used - in conjunction with WordPerfect 5.1 styles and macros - to classify, organize and format the report of the facilitating group based on facilitator's observations and notes on the proceedings of the Assembly.

Chicago, IL
    CAMDUN-S - Survey of 1993 CAMDUN participants
    Contact information and survey responses for participants in the 1993 Conference for A More Democratic United Nations (CAMDUN), held in New York City, in September 1993.

Houston, TX
    ACCENT - Accent variations
    A database of alternative character sets and their correspondences, ACCENT allows easy lookup of alternative representation of non-ASCII characters used under different protocols - e.g. ASCII, ANSI/Windows, HTML-N, HTML-A, IBASCII, etc. ACCENT can generate conversion files to be used in conjunction with CNV-41, a simple DOS-based program - made available on line and by e-mail request - that can convert between any two sets of character representations.

New York, NY
    HBP-PUBS - Hazel Barbara Pollard Publications
    Database of writings - with some brief excerpts - of Hazel Barbara Pollard - the mother of Information Habitat's Founder - including a remarkable set of diaries she wrote as a brilliant young writer and artist who had been accepted to University College, London - in Bloomsbury - to study English Literature - at the time when the Bloomsbury Group - Virginia Wolf, et al - was a creative center of arts, literature and progressive ideas.

    Although Hazel was not able to realize that dream - following her father's office indiscretions, her mother insisted that Hazel was the only person who could be trusted to be his secretary - she never expressed disappointment or anger, and continued to follow the lives of the Bloomsbury Group, and by the time of her death, had accumulated a wonderful small library of and about Bloomsbury Group participants.

Cowden, UK
    INFOHAB - Information Habitat: Where Information Lives
    The initial database for Information Habitat: Where Information Lives; succeeded by the NGOS@UN database. During the active life of INFOHAB, it was the locus of major growth in its structure and contents, and was used to manage, inter alia, databases for key NGO Committees - on Human Settlements, Social Development, Sustainable Development, the NGO Steering Committee to the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development, and the preliminary database for participants in preparations for the Millennium Forum.

New York, NY
    DATABASE - Database of databases
    Database on the structure, contents and organization of Dataperfect databases developed by Robert Pollard, under the auspices of Information Habitat and a number of earlier organizations. Contains data on file names, descriptions, sizes, data links, reports, et cetera. Generates listings and reports of database characteristics and descriptions, including the report you are reading.

New York, NY
    HAB2-NGO - NGOs Accredited to Habitat II
    Accreditation and participation relational database for NGOs participating in the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and in the meetings of the Preparatory Committees for the conference.

New York, NY
    FORUM96 - NGO Forum '96
    Database created in very short order to manage schedules for the NGO Forum, input and organize details of events and event organizers and presenters, resolve time and/or room conflicts. FORUM96 was used to generate - on-demand - interim schedules for planning purposes, and to generate up-to-date daily printed schedules and event that were posted throughout the NGO Forum site.

Istanbul, Turkey
    NGOS@UN - ngos@un - Non-Governmental Organizations at the United Nations
    NGOS@UN was designed as a catalyst for a cooperative information ecology framework to work with the Secretary-General of the United Nations in response to a request from the Economic and Social Council to make every effort to enhance and streamline, as appropriate, practical arrangements to facilitate the participation of non-governmental organizations in the work of the United Nations - and specifically to make effective use of database technology.

    NGOS@UN grew out of the INFOHAB database, and integrated extensive information - from disparate sources - of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) accredited to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and to the Global Conferences of the 1990s. As it developed, NGOS@UN grew significantly in size and structure incorporating major new sections, including record of NGOs in the process of seeking accreditation with ECOSOC, historical data on NGO accreditation, and information on official United Nations documents pertaining to NGO Accreditation and the work of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations.

Brooklyn, NY
    DPMANAGE - Managing DataPerfect Databases
    An initial effort to integrate DATABASE with MANAGER, intended to serve as a greatly expanded database of databases to document the growing number of DataPerfect databases being developed.

Brooklyn, NY
    INTERNET - Networked knowledge and information
    The Internet database is the successor to the NGOS@UN database, incorporating a significant number of new data files - now totalling 99, including the water-body oriented geographic data structure that were developed in preparation for Y2K contingency planning, and a set of data files for Internet domain names, the registration of which was a major focus of activity in the year 2000, and that are central components in the design of Gaia University and in an evolving proof of the Gaia Mind hypothesis.

Brooklyn, NY
    COLOURS - Light & Colour Cube Engine
    Database engine of light and colour for the Virtual Light and Colour Cubes, and of more than a thousand images based on the Cubes. COLOURS was used to generate the set of images of the faces of the Light and Colour Cubes, as well as to generate many sets of web pages with images based on the cubes.

Brooklyn, NY
    ECOLOGY - Gaia University network of knowledge, information ecology database
    ECOLOGY was the successor to the INTERNET database, renamed to focus attention on its ecological properties, and incorporating minor revisions and updates to its structure, in addition to the conceptual shift associated with the change of name.

Brooklyn, NY
    HABITAT3 - Habitat Three
    An evolution from the ECOLOGY database, Habitat Three is conceived of both as a preliminary organizing database for an anticipated Habitat III Conference to be held in 2016, and as a prototype digital habitat for the Third Millennium. The HABITAT3 database serves as the primary database of Information Habitat and remains one of the principle vehicles for the development of the DataPerfect Digital Engine that has become a central focus of Information Habitat: Where Information Lives.

Brooklyn, NY
    DIGITAL - Digital Engine
    The Digital Engine is a prototype for an open source digital engine based on information ecology design principles. The digital engine incorporates a set of related databases designed to enable the establishment and maintenance of interactive public fora, and incorporates an evolving set of protocols for the structure, field formats of data files, and a rule-based framework for relationships between data files.

    DIGITAL is being created using DataPerfect 2.6F - a remarkably powerful, versatile, robust and elegant remarkable DOS-based relational database that was released in 1985 as a key element of the WordPerfect Library - a library that included WordPerfect 3.0, and a powerful menu driven Shell program that allows rapid switching and data exchange between Shell-compatible programs.

    The use of WordPerfect Shell 4.0 - the latest version - is integral to the design and development of the DIGITAL database, for example through the use of Shell macros that can, for example, automatically generate a set of data fields and set up formulas that define the field values; through the screen capture feature that is invaluable in documentation of the database; and enable full integration with WordPerfect 5.1+ - the still unrivalled classic of word-processing software.

New York, NY
    MEMORIAL - Memorial Database Rebuilding at World Trade Center
    The MEMORIAL database incorporates a database of public comments at Listening to the City on the original designs for the World Trade Center site. The database incorporates a coding system incorporating a database of key elements of the site, within an overall structured conceptual framework, and linked to appropriate views from the original designs.

New York, NY
    LIGHT - Let there be Light
    The success to the COLOURS database, LIGHT is evolving as an engine to generate light - through the generation of sets of web pages - for images based on the Light and Colour Cubes, and for sets of digital or digitized photos - and the integration of the images with text, documents, web sites, and relevant links.

New York, NY
Project Information Habitat
access to informationdatabase-generated web sitesdataperfect digital enginesecological designeconomicseducationelectronic publishinginformation ecologyinformation economicsmathematics |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

a project of information habitat: where information lives
information ecology index is registered as common content
under a creati