rainbow cubic sine waves - dark grey - rgb = #1f1f1f
peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube light cubes peace cube - twin light and colour cube
spacer twin light cubes images from the light cubes images from the light cubes rainbow cubic sine waves twisted pair of light cubes spacer

welcome to the light cubes

icons for a knowledge-based millennium
cornerstones of a digital commons

light cubes @ gandhi-king season

collective intelligence agency | information ecology | digital bridges
digital commons | digital engines | uniting for peace | information habitat

more information? email  digital-artist@light-cubes.net

rivers of light diagonal faces of the light cubes colorcubes 3-d screensavers images from the light cubes digital bridges in peace
peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube light cubes peace cube - twin light and colour cube
rainbow cubic sine waves - on grey