H2O Partners
A domain and evolving partnership-based framework within which to float a renewed Habitat II Online - h2o - project, incorporating the Habitat Partners Network, with a focus on water as a central issue, including a set of database-generated web pages for water bodies, their properties, and their relationships with other water bodies, with land bodies, and with countries, provinces, cities, towns, villages and communities - generated from a prototype digital engine database.
access to information,
habitat & human settlements,
information architecture,
interactive processes,
knowledge-based economics,
local governance,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
sustainable agriculture,
sustainable development,
sustainable economics,
united nations,
New York, NY
New Partnerships for Action
Active participant; PowerPoint presentation of "Istanbul + 2.5" - a case study in information ecology and human settlements; Rapporteur of the Information Flows Process Working Group and prepared its PowerPoint presentation to the New Partnerships for Action conference.
electronic publishing,
habitat & human settlements,
information ecology,
public participation
Turin, Italy
Partnership, Informatics and Participation
Developed design and conceptual framework for a partnership-based process using informatics to enable broad-based participation in monitoring and implementation of the Habitat Agenda and the other global conferences of the 1990s. Partnership, Informatics and Participation focused on strategic implementation of the H2O Partnership Plan of Actions and cooperation in consultation with the NGO Committee on Human Settlements, UN Centre on Human Settlements and United Nations Development Programme.
access to information,
electronic publishing,
habitat & human settlements,
public participation,
united nations
New York, NY
Habitat II Follow-up
The formal end of the Habitat II Conference marked the beginning of a major new phase on the journey, namely, follow-up in the form of monitoring and implementing the Habitat Agenda - the Partnership Plan of Action. The very first step was to obtain a disk copy of the Habitat Agenda, to make the full text available on the Habitat II Web site, and to send notification of its online availability to interested electronic mailing lists - on the same day that the document was agreed to by Member States.
conference documents,
habitat & human settlements,
habitat ii,
information ecology,
information economics,
ngo networks, committees & caucuses,
Istanbul, Turkey
Habitat II
Managed the technical aspects of the NGO registration process; generated interim and final reports on NGO registration; maintained liaison with the Habitat II Secretariat, collecting official documents and UN press releases and making the available via electronic mailing lists and the Habitat II and UN web sites; technical assistance to NGO participants in Internet access - from notebook computers and computer terminals; attended Partners hearings and the closing session of Habitat II.
habitat & human settlements,
habitat ii,
united nations
Istanbul, Turkey