peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

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801 Homestead Street
biodiversitydietecological designenergyhabitat & human settlementshome ownershiprecyclingsustainable agriculturesustainable home economicsurban agricultureurban gardening |
    Role: Owner-Occupier
    Undertook major renovation of a dilapidated 1877 frame house and established an organic garden on the 1/3 acre estate that had been created by purchasing two adjacent lots. Removed plaster and lathe interior walls; weather-proofed house with storm windows, insulation and caulking; re-painted interior of the house; installed new wiring, etc.

    Removed large quantities of trash and debris from the garden - much of which was buried in the garden - and set about restoring the garden, adding compost heaps and collecting many, many bags of leaves each fall to create a large collection of leaf mold to enhance the condition of the garden.

    801 Homestead also served as an information hub - initially for a number of community-based organizations, including the Baltimore Area Recycling Coalition and the Baltimore Environmental Center, and subsequently for the US Citizens Network for UNCED and the International Synergy Institute, and was the original home of Information Habitat: Where Information Lives
Baltimore, MD

    APC - Alternative Press Centre
    Database for the Alternative Press Index, a quarterly index of alternative publications. APC directly generated the body of the Index, creating massive secondary merge files - based on a multiple classification of the articles included in the index. The output from APC was merged into WordPerfect 4.0, and with the application of a few keystroke macros and the use of styles, generated the final, camera-ready copy for the body of the Index.

Baltimore, MD
    BEC - Baltimore Environmental Center
    Directory of members and committee membership. Used to generate mailing labels and to generate calendar listings for the monthly newsletter - The Beacon - that was edited and produced using WordPerfect 4.2

Baltimore, MD
    BALANCE - Balancing Checking Accounts & Cash Flow
    Checking account balance; elaboration of an original DataPerfect template with increased detail, including provision for multiple bank accounts, Petty Cash accounts, vendor information, etc.

Baltimore, MD
    BWCO - Better Waverly Community Organization
    Database for the Better Waverly Community Organization, including listing of members, homeowners, all properties in the neighborhood, the registered ownership of the properties and other information on the properties and their ownership. Used for newsletter mailing labels, sorted by postal code, and in conjunction with a campaign to identify owners of deteriorating or delinquent properties.

Baltimore, MD
    CLC - Community Law Center
    Database of the Community Law Center in Baltimore; an organization committed to making legal support available to grassroots, neighborhood associations, especially in low income neighborhoods. Used to generate mailing labels and address listings.

Baltimore, MD
    LEARNING - The Learning Bank
    Database design and implementation for registration and performance data in Adult Literacy program; training in data entry in DataPerfect conjunction with word processing using WordPerfect.

Baltimore, MD
    WFC - Waverly Family Center
    Database for contact information and participation records for participants in the Waverly Family Center. The database was one of a set of databases created for each of the newly-established Family Centers.

Baltimore, MD
    FCUN - Friends Committee on Unity with Nature
    Database of people involved with Friends Committee on Unity with Nature, including subscribers to the Befriending Creation newsletter, and Clerks of Monthly Meetings in Baltimore Yearly Meeting.

Baltimore, MD
    RECYCLE - Baltimore Recycling Committee
    Participants, committees, committee membership, etc. of the Baltimore Recycling Committee of the Citizens Planning and Housing Association, and for participants in the Recycling Conference organized by the Committee and follow up commitments made by Conference participants. RECYCLE was used to generate mailing labels, and generate a series of updated directories

Baltimore, MD
    HOMEWOOD - Homewood Friends Meeting, Baltimore
    Database of Members and Attenders at Homewood Friends Meeting, Baltimore.

Baltimore, MD
    EIN - Earthcare Interfaith Network
    Core database for Earthcare Interfaith Network; framework for Who Is Who: People and Organizations in Service to the Earth. EIN also served as the database for the Citizens Alliance for UNCED (the United Nations Conference of Environment and Development aka the Earth Summit) that evolved into the U.S. Citizens Network on UNCED, an organization that facilitated and helped to coordinate most U.S. based NGOs that were accredited to UNCED. EIN maintained contact information, committee affiliation and areas of interest for members and participants in the Citizens Network. In this capacity, EIN enabled frequently updated generation and distribution of directories of Network participants, including a directory of participants in the founding meeting of the U.S. Citizens Network on UNCED. EIN also served as a database for the Information and Communications Committee of the NGO Strategy Group for UNCED.

Baltimore, MD
    BOOKS - Bookstore, Baltimore Yearly Meeting
    Catalog and accounting for the book store at the Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

Baltimore, MD
    LICENCES - Licences for Software and Hardware
    Record of software and hardware purchases, vendor and manufacturer name and information, date of purchase, phone numbers, license numbers, web location for support information, etc.

Baltimore, MD
    SCHOOLS - Report Card on Baltimore City Elementary Schools
    Data compiled on measures of academic achievement and student behavior, in response to an initiative of the Education Committee of the Citizens Planning and Housing Association in Baltimore. The data were made available by the Baltimore City Public Schools Department and were used to generate a Report Card on Elementary Schools with clearly presented table format. The Report Card served to focus public attention on schools with records of poor performance and behavior.

Baltimore, MD
    CFC - Caring For Creation Conference participants
    Participants, with registration information, at the Caring for Creation interfaith conference on religion and responsibility for caring for the earth and all creation. It was here that the name "Information Habitat: Where Information Lives" was conceived, and was given expression in a booth exhibit by that name at the conference.

Washington, DC
    TRAVEL - Travel
    Simple database with record of travel between May 1990 and May 1 1993. Developed further in 2005 with compilation of additional data, refinement of panels and report generated with wiki codes.

Baltimore, MD
    RESUME - Resume
    Database for maintaining records of employment, education, community service, etc, and for generating resumes / curriculum vitae. The data from RESUME was incorporated into the HABITAT3 database.

Baltimore, MD
    WHOISWHO - Who Is Who: People, Projects and Organizations in Service to the Earth
    Database designed and developed to enable the publication of Who Is Who: People, Projects and Organizations in Service to the Earth. WHOISWHO enabled the compilation, classification and organization of the people and projects, and the directory - the core of the book - was directly created though WordPerfect 5.0 from a file generated from WHOISWHO.

New York, NY
    OFFDOCS - Official Documents
    Official documents of the preparatory process of the Earth Summit.

Baltimore, MD
    UNCED - Electronic documents for UNCED - the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
    Prototype designed - but not used - for messages posted to electronic conferences in preparation for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.

Baltimore, MD
    PUBS - Publications
    Bibliographic database, multiple media / formats, classification

Baltimore, MD
    Calendar database for READIT - a compilation of meetings and events relating to the environment and to sustainable development assembled by the Environmental Research & Development Centre, Brussels.

Brussels, Belgium
    DATES - Day of the week
    Gives the day of the week for any date between March 1900 and 2078, and displays the date in expanded Digital Date Forma: - Day, Date, Month, Year.

Baltimore, MD
    PUBS-PC4 - Publications from UNCED PrepCom 4
    Publications from the 4th Preparatory Committee for the UN Conference on Environment and Development.

New York, NY
    UN-DOCS - United Nations Meetings and schedules
    United Nations Meetings and schedules

New York, NY
    FAMILY - Family Tree
    Simple two panel database to maintain records and generate reports for a family tree. One panel is for people, the other for their marriages / relationships. Generates a four generation family tree, in either direction.

Cowden, UK
    SYNERGY - International Synergy Institute
    Primary database for the International Synergy Institute, successor to EIN, and served as a database of NGOs participating in the final stages of preparation for the Earth Summit and the followup to the Summit, and participation in subsequent UN Conferences, especially for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, held in Copenhagen in 1995.

Baltimore, MD
801 Homestead Street
biodiversitydietecological designenergyhabitat & human settlementshome ownershiprecyclingsustainable agriculturesustainable home economicsurban agricultureurban gardening |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

a project of information habitat: where information lives
information ecology index is registered as common content
under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike license