peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

Mesopotamian Summer: Between the Rivers - A Cradle of Civlization
dataperfect digital enginesfreshwaterinformation ecologyinterfaith dialoguepeace |
    Role: Convenor
    An evolving network of cooperation circles to observe the summer season as a time for appreciative inquiry into holistic approaches to the restoration of the Southern Marshes of Iraq, keystone ecosystem of the Shatt al-Arab watershed and home of the cradle of civilization.

New York, NY
    Mesopotamian Marshlands: Between the Rivers - A Cradle of Civilization
    A wikibook, intended to serve as the kernel of an online framework in support of a holistic approaches to the restoration and regeneration of the Mesopotamian Marshes in Iraq and the development of a cradle for a new knowledge-based civilization, based on a wireless, internet protocol platform.

New York

    MESO-SUM - Mesopotamian Summer Digital Engine
    The MESO-SUM engine came into being on the eve of Mesopotamian Summer, 2004 - just before the Summer Solstice that marked the beginning of the season. MESO-SUM represented a transformation of HABITAT3, through the incorporation of key panels / files, structure and data from the DIGITAL and AIDA databases, in a process that took more than two weeks. In the process of reviewing the structure of MESO-SUM, a decision was made to rename it as the DIGITAL database, Mark II, to simplify references to the DIGITAL engine, and to balance the focus on Mesopotamia with the acknowledgment of the power of the digital dimension of information space.

New York, NY
    DIGITAL - Digital Engine, Mark II
    The Digital Engine, Mark II, grew out of the short-lived transformative MESO-SUM digital engine. MESO-SUM had been created on the Eve of the 2004 Summer Solstice in support of the Mesopotamian Summer initiative that began on the Solstice, as a culmination of major integration and replacement of panels and data from the original DIGITAL database into HABITAT3 as well as the incorporation of panels from AIDA.

New York, NY
Mesopotamian Summer: Between the Rivers - A Cradle of Civlization
dataperfect digital enginesfreshwaterinformation ecologyinterfaith dialoguepeace |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

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information ecology index is registered as common content
under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike license