peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

Baltimore Area Community Organizations
access to informationbaltimorecommunity-based organizationsdatabaseinformation ecologypublishing |
    Role: Consultant
    Technical support and training in the application of microcomputer technology in support of increased effectiveness of community organizations. Clients were community-based organizations working in community development, social justice, health, environment and peace. A primary focus was the integration of database and desktop publishing with WordPerfect for DOS.
Baltimore, MD

    BIC - BIC Database
    Database, written in BASIC, designed for organizational membership contact information, used for generating mailing labels, membership directories, etc. The original version of BIC had been written by Carl Chatzky, an eccentric radical visionary genius who had gained a freedom from conformity to any normal conventions of schedule and time through having written the software for the Maryland State Lottery. Carl Chatzky was the co-founder, with Robert Pollard, of the Baltimore Information Cooperative - BIC - after which the database was named. BIC Database was progressively revised by Pollard with a modular structure that allowed, inter alia, the easy maintenance of multiple sort order indexes for a database. BIC Database was made freely available to organizations that participated in the Information Co-op.

Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Area Community Organizations
access to informationbaltimorecommunity-based organizationsdatabaseinformation ecologypublishing |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

a project of information habitat: where information lives
information ecology index is registered as common content
under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike license