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On The Line: Interactive Preparations for the First Earth Summit
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    Role: Project Director
    On The Line served as an interim organizational name that was used between the time that funding for the publication of On The Line was terminated in the context of differences in evaluation of priorities with the Institute for Global Communications and the establishment of a relationship with the International Synergy Institute.
Geneve, Switzerland
    Expansion of Access to On-Line Communications
    Proposal for major expansion of access to computer and on-line resources among NGOs in developing countries and Eastern Europe.

    Participating in the en.unced.general conference: Electronic conferencing in preparation for the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment & Development
    Overview of the need for using electronic communications for UNCED, and discussion of the nature of participation in an electronic conference.

    On The Line: Interactive Preparations for the First Earth Summit
    Guide to on-line communication issues and resources related to the UNCED / Earth Summit preparations; highlights some key issues for PrepCom 3; overview of PrepCom 3 documents and UNCED-related electronic conferences.

    Information, Communications, Eastern Europe and UNCED
    Analysis/discussion of critical information and communications needs of Eastern European NGOs, analysis of Eastern European information environment, and identification of strategic considerations.

    Sailing to Rio: Part I - PrepBoat
    A proposal for a Cairo-Gibraltar-New York boat, with an on-board conference, for NGO delegates to the 4th UNCED PrepCom in New York in March 1992. European and African delegates would join the boat at various ports in the Mediterranean; Arab and Asian delegates via the Suez Canal. A key focus of the on-board conference would be the geo-politics of trade.

    Eastern European Participation in UNCED
    Discussion of the critical need for Eastern European NGOs to participate in the UNCED preparations, identification of key benefits, and strategic recommendations.

    Network & Communication Resources Exhibition/Demonstration, International NGO Conference, Paris
    Proposal for a demonstration of computer-based networking and communication resources during Roots of the Future, the major International NGO conference to be held in Paris in December 1991 - through the support of the government of France - in preparation for the Earth Summit. The proposal outlined plans for an on-site electronic network; the management of interactive documents, including a participatory newsletter; and the use of databases for UNCED-related documents and membership/contact information.

    UNCED Beyond Rio?
    Discussion of the need for follow up of UNCED developments beyond Rio, including a proposal to extend the UNCED process through the year 2000.

    Interactive, Integrative Networking & Communication Processes in Support of Participation in the Earth Summit / Global Forum '92
    Draft proposal for a strategy for the use of microcomputers to strengthen communication and networking among NGOs in French-speaking areas of Africa.

    UNCED Interactive Document System
    Preliminary design notes for an interactive document system for the intergovernmental negotiation process at the 4th PrepCom for UNCED, incorporating features of the Da Zi Bao participant interactive message system.

On The Line: Interactive Preparations for the First Earth Summit
access to informationdatabaseelectronic publishinginformation exchangepublic participationunced / earth summit |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

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