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On The Line: Interactive Preparations for the First Earth Summit
| access to information | database | electronic publishing | information exchange | public participation | unced / earth summit | |
Role: Project Director
Geneve, Switzerland
1991.09-1992.02 |
Documents | |
Proposal for major expansion of access to computer and on-line resources among NGOs in developing countries and Eastern Europe. |
Baltimore 1991.07 |
Overview of the need for using electronic communications for UNCED, and discussion of the nature of participation in an electronic conference. |
Geneva 1991.08 |
Guide to on-line communication issues and resources related to the UNCED / Earth Summit preparations; highlights some key issues for PrepCom 3; overview of PrepCom 3 documents and UNCED-related electronic conferences. |
Geneva 1991.08 |
Analysis/discussion of critical information and communications needs of Eastern European NGOs, analysis of Eastern European information environment, and identification of strategic considerations. |
Budapest 1991.09 |
A proposal for a Cairo-Gibraltar-New York boat, with an on-board conference, for NGO delegates to the 4th UNCED PrepCom in New York in March 1992. European and African delegates would join the boat at various ports in the Mediterranean; Arab and Asian delegates via the Suez Canal. A key focus of the on-board conference would be the geo-politics of trade. |
Sittard 1991.09 |
Discussion of the critical need for Eastern European NGOs to participate in the UNCED preparations, identification of key benefits, and strategic recommendations. |
Prague 1991.10 |
Proposal for a demonstration of computer-based networking and communication resources during Roots of the Future, the major International NGO conference to be held in Paris in December 1991 - through the support of the government of France - in preparation for the Earth Summit. The proposal outlined plans for an on-site electronic network; the management of interactive documents, including a participatory newsletter; and the use of databases for UNCED-related documents and membership/contact information. |
Sittard 1991.10 |
Discussion of the need for follow up of UNCED developments beyond Rio, including a proposal to extend the UNCED process through the year 2000. |
Baltimore 1991.11 |
Draft proposal for a strategy for the use of microcomputers to strengthen communication and networking among NGOs in French-speaking areas of Africa. |
Paris 1992.01 |
Preliminary design notes for an interactive document system for the intergovernmental negotiation process at the 4th PrepCom for UNCED, incorporating features of the Da Zi Bao participant interactive message system. |
Geneva 1992.01 |
9999.99-9999.99 | |
On The Line: Interactive Preparations for the First Earth Summit
| access to information | database | electronic publishing | information exchange | public participation | unced / earth summit | |
information ecology projects |
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peace cubes |
digital bridges in peace |
uniting for peace |
gandhi-king season |
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