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Synergistic Processes project
| database | electronic publishing | information ecology | public participation | publishing | sustainable development | unced / earth summit | united nations | |
Role: Project Director
Member of facilitation team at the 1993 Parliament of World Religions in Chicago, co-edited Your Voice interactive bulletin, with responsibility for special issues that organized and presented reports from a Parliament of the People and from the Assembly of Religious and Spiritual Leaders. During the UNCED preparations, project activities included the publication of the Da Zi Bao interactive bulletin at PrepCom IV and at the Global Forum in Rio; the latter involved publication of the bulletin in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French with a total staff, including volunteers, of 115 people. After Rio, the work involved compilation and publication of the Alternative Treaties, dissemination on disk of the official Rio agreements and the alternative treaties in several languages, the design, implementation and dissemination of a database of the NGOs accredited to UNCED and the organization of the text of the Rio agreements and the alternative treaties into a full text searchable database. |
Baltimore, MD
1992.01-1995.06 |
9999.99-9999.99 | |
Synergistic Processes project
| database | electronic publishing | information ecology | public participation | publishing | sustainable development | unced / earth summit | united nations | |
information ecology projects |
key domains |
peace cubes |
digital bridges in peace |
uniting for peace |
gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search |