peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

5th Session, Commission on Sustainable Development
access to informationinformation ecologyngo networks, committees &peace cubespublic participationsustainable developmentun economic and social |
    Role: Representative of NGO in Consultative Status
    Active participant in NGO Caucuses and strategy meetings, with a focus on compiling, editing and contributing to the NGO Background Paper "Towards Earth Summit II" and developing Information Ecology recommendations.

New York, NY
    Information Ecology, in Towards Earth Summit II: NGO Recommendations for Actions and Commitments at Earth Summit II
    A call for a major commitment to analyze and explore the opportunities and implications of the rapidly evolving "information and communication ecosystem" and to identify critical information ecology issues relating to sustainability; also a call for the design and establishment of, and support for participatory enabling environments within which information and communications technologies, systems and processes - including traditional and non-electronic forms - can facilitate a transition to more open, equitable and sustainable communities and society.

New York
    Integrated Monitoring Frameworks, from Recommendations for Actions and Commitments at Earth Summit II: Non-Governmental Organization Background Paper
    Recommendations for the use of comprehensive frameworks - making effective use of modern information and communications technology - for systematic monitoring of the implementation of all the Rio agreements as well as the agreements of the other recent global conferences.

New York
    Towards Earth Summit II: Recommendations for Actions and Commitments at Earth Summit II
    Consensus document presenting NGO recommendations for Actions and Commitments at Earth Summit II, the five year review of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.

New York
    Electronic mailing lists
    [csdgen] - NGO Steering Committee to the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development
    The primary electronic mailing list for the NGO Steering Committee to the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development. Active.
      To subscribe to [csdgen], send an email message to
      with the following one-line message:
      subscribe csdgen

    [habifem] - Huairou Commission - Women, Homes and Communities Supercoalition
    [habifem] served as the primary electronic mailing list for members and participants in the Women, Homes and Communities Supercoalition that subsequently evolved into the Huairou Commission. Inactive.

    [partners] - Habitat Partners Network
    The principal electronic mailing list for Non-Governmental Organizations engaged in monitoring, implementation and follow up to the Habitat Agenda agreed to at the June 1996 Habitat II Conference in Istanbul. Active.
      To subscribe to [partners], send an email message to
      with the following one-line message:
      subscribe h2o-L

    [citnet] - Citizens Network for Sustainable Development

    [peace] - Habitat Peace Caucus / Peace Odyssey 2001
    An electronic mailing list for the Habitat Peace Caucus and Peace Odyssey 2001, superceded by the [peace-caucus-un]>/p> mailing list. Inactive.

    [toes97] - The Other Economic Summit 1997


    INFOHAB - Information Habitat: Where Information Lives
    The initial database for Information Habitat: Where Information Lives; succeeded by the NGOS@UN database. During the active life of INFOHAB, it was the locus of major growth in its structure and contents, and was used to manage, inter alia, databases for key NGO Committees - on Human Settlements, Social Development, Sustainable Development, the NGO Steering Committee to the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development, and the preliminary database for participants in preparations for the Millennium Forum.

New York, NY
    CSDNGO - NGO Steering Committee for the UN Commission on Sustainable Development
    Database for the Coordinator of the Northern Clearinghouse for the NGO Steering Committee for maintenance of information on Steering Committee members and participants, and membership in Caucuses of the Steering Committee.

New York, NY
5th Session, Commission on Sustainable Development
access to informationinformation ecologyngo networks, committees &peace cubespublic participationsustainable developmentun economic and social |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

a project of information habitat: where information lives
information ecology index is registered under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike license