peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

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Seasons of Peace Cooperation Circles
information ecologyinterfaith dialoguenonviolencepeace |
    Role: Convenor
New York, NY


    DPMANUAL - DataPerfect Digital Engine Reference Manual
    Revision of MANUAL database, initially to rename panels - as DPMANUAL.* - and in 2004.09 to reorganize the manual with each subsection of the manual as a separate record, incorporating a five-level table of contents, and the FORMULA database adding a more complex indexing system for sections, using it to generate a hyperlinked set of web pages for the Reference Manual, and making provisions for updating the manual with features added since Dataperfect 2.3, and hints and examples offered by DataPerfect Users.

Brooklyn, NY
    DIGITAL - Digital Engine
    The Digital Engine is a prototype for an open source digital engine based on information ecology design principles. The digital engine incorporates a set of related databases designed to enable the establishment and maintenance of interactive public fora, and incorporates an evolving set of protocols for the structure, field formats of data files, and a rule-based framework for relationships between data files.

    DIGITAL is being created using DataPerfect 2.6F - a remarkably powerful, versatile, robust and elegant remarkable DOS-based relational database that was released in 1985 as a key element of the WordPerfect Library - a library that included WordPerfect 3.0, and a powerful menu driven Shell program that allows rapid switching and data exchange between Shell-compatible programs.

    The use of WordPerfect Shell 4.0 - the latest version - is integral to the design and development of the DIGITAL database, for example through the use of Shell macros that can, for example, automatically generate a set of data fields and set up formulas that define the field values; through the screen capture feature that is invaluable in documentation of the database; and enable full integration with WordPerfect 5.1+ - the still unrivalled classic of word-processing software.

New York, NY
    LIGHT - Let there be Light
    The success to the COLOURS database, LIGHT is evolving as an engine to generate light - through the generation of sets of web pages - for images based on the Light and Colour Cubes, and for sets of digital or digitized photos - and the integration of the images with text, documents, web sites, and relevant links.

New York, NY
    DIGITAL - Digital Engine, Mark II
    The Digital Engine, Mark II, grew out of the short-lived transformative MESO-SUM digital engine. MESO-SUM had been created on the Eve of the 2004 Summer Solstice in support of the Mesopotamian Summer initiative that began on the Solstice, as a culmination of major integration and replacement of panels and data from the original DIGITAL database into HABITAT3 as well as the incorporation of panels from AIDA.

New York, NY
    DP-VIEW - DataPerfect - Viewing the Engine's Structure
    DP-VIEW is based on modifications to the MANAGER database, expanded to include reports that present the structure of DataPerfect databases through a set of linked web pages. DP-VIEW embodies a revival and elaboration of the idea behind the DPMANAGE database.

New York, NY
    ENGINE - DataPerfect Digital Engine Operating Manual
    An intermediate engine between the first and second versions of DPManual, ENGINE was developed to serve as an operating manual for the DataPerfect Digital Engine.

    ENGINE incorporated the ACCENTS and FORMULA databases along with additional panels for the various elements of the design of DataPerfect with the goal of portraying DataPerfect through the relational database of its elements, and to generate an open source curriculum in the DataPerfect Digital Engine in HTML format.

    In the final stages before being given back its earlier name its DPManual, with a barely perceptible change in case - ENGINE, together with Digital Engine, Mark II - now MyPalace - and LIGHT, was host to initial implementation of information ecology panel and field name conventions, and to new panels imported from WordPerfect 5.1+ style and macro libraries - OPEN-03.STY and OPEN respectively - and to systematic harvesting of screen shots from help screens for Office Shell 4.0 and Office Editor 3.1 and a few from wp5.1+ in preparation for enhancement of the manual's coverage of these incorporating manuals in the cluster of programs whose design incorporates a common framework and interoperable features.

    The final stage of this initial phase of ENGINE's life also saw the development of an expanded menu, and preparation for the creation of exception fields with corresponding indexes to provide menu access constrained to particular features or areas of interest.

New York, NY
Seasons of Peace Cooperation Circles
information ecologyinterfaith dialoguenonviolencepeace |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

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