peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

Peaceful Properties of the Internet
digital economicsinformation ecologynonviolencepeacepeaceful properties of the |
    Peaceful Properties of the Internet is a project on the TakingITGlobal platform to identify, examine and cultivate the intrinsic peaceful properties of the Internet, and to facilitate and promote appreciative dialogue on these properties.

New York, NY
Peaceful Properties of the Internet
digital economicsinformation ecologynonviolencepeacepeaceful properties of the |

peace cube - virtual light and colour cube information ecology projects peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube

key domains | peace cubes | digital bridges in peace | uniting for peace | gandhi-king season |
key classes | peace | conferences | public participation | habitat | ecological design | index | search

a project of information habitat: where information lives
information ecology index is registered under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike license