Peace Odyssey 2001
A People's Conference for Peace - 2001
The organizations listed below are forming a network to work toward a People's
Conference for Peace in the year 2001 to deal with problems
of peace, justice, and global security. Security must be defined in human,
rather than purely military terms. Militarism pervades all areas of life,
creating problems that are often viewed separately: the impact of war on
women and children; the diversion of resources away from social needs;
the impact of military waste on the environment. Critical issues will include
the abolition of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction,
refugee problems, sustainable and non-polluting energy sources, the role
of religion in war and peace, the nature of violence, means of strengthening
law, and non-violent conflict resolution. We seek a broad coalition of
Civil society must seize the opportunity to help frame the peace and security
agenda for the next century. We invite your organization to join the network
for a People's Conference for Peace.
Subscribing Representative
Address of Organization
Phone / Fax / e-mail
Please return to -- NGO Committee on Disarmament (Dorrie Weiss, coordinator)
777 UN Plaza, 3B
New York, N.Y. 10017
phone - 212-687-5340 fax - 212-687-1643 e-mail
Some of the organizations that have endorsed the call for a Conference are: