women's peace petition

Initiative to mark the 50th anniversary
of the first session of the Commission on the Status of Women

Petition from Women of the World to the Governments of the World to be presented at the opening day of the 52nd session of the UN General Assembly and publicized on International Women's Day 1997

We are horrified at the levels of violence witnessed during this century and that women and children are the primary victims of war and poverty. On behalf of society at large, we, the undersigned women of the world, demand that annually, for the next five years, at least five per cent of national military expenditures be redirected to health, education and employment programmes. By doing so, one half billion dollars a day would be released worldwide for programmes to improve living standards.

We also demand that war, like slavery, colonialism and apartheid, be delegitimized as an acceptable form of social behaviour, and that governments and civil society together develop new institutions that do not resort to violence for the settlement of disputes.

Together we commit ourselves, as half of the world's population, to use our power to ensure that these demands, which will promote international peace and security, are met through legislation and action. We resolve that we will inaugurate a new century that rejects warfare and promotes well-being, justice and human rights.

printed name
mailing address












Please sign and fax or mail to:
World Council of Churches
777 United Nations Plaza, 9-D
New York, NY 10017 (USA)
Fax: +1 212 867-7462 or 682-0886
E-mail: or
Return signed petitions no later
than 30 August 1997 for presentation
to the United Nations General Assembly

Petition Co-sponsors