peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube, catalyst of peace
Agenda 21
peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube - catalyst of peace

agenda 21 | rio declaration | alternative treaties | information ecology | information habitat
information, data & communication | access, participate & participation | educate, education & aware

Agenda 21

Section I. Social and Economic Dimensions
Section II. Conservation and Management of Resources for Development
Section III. Strengthening The Role Of Major Groups
Section IV. Means of Implementation
Other Rio Agreements

peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube, catalyst of peace
Agenda 21
peace cube - twin virtual light and colour cube - catalyst of peace

agenda 21 | rio declaration | alternative treaties | information ecology | information habitat
information, data & communication | access, participate & participation | educate, education & aware

This set of web pages for Agenda 21 and the NGO Alternative Treaties has been
created by Information Habitat: Where Information Lives -
generated by a DataPerfect Digital Engine - and
illuminated by the Peace Cubes - three dimensions of Light, three pillars of sustainability