* Information, Data and Communication in Agenda 21 *
Agenda 21 | Alternative Treaties | Information Ecology | Information Habitat

Information, Data and Communication in Agenda 21

Chapter 25:
Children And Youth In Sustainable Development
4. Each country should, in consultation with its youth communities, establish a process to promote dialogue between the youth community and Government at all levels and to establish mechanisms that permit youth access to information and provide them with the opportunity to present their perspectives on government decisions, including the implementation of Agenda 21. [Chapter 25, Para 4]

10. (b) Improve the dissemination of relevant information to governments, youth organizations and other non-governmental organizations on current youth positions and activities, and monitor and evaluate the application of Agenda 21; [Chapter 25, Para 10 (b)]

Information, Data and Communication in Agenda 21
Agenda 21 | Alternative Treaties | Information Ecology | Information Habitat