* Information, Data and Communication in Agenda 21 *
Agenda 21 | Alternative Treaties | Information Ecology | Information Habitat

Information, Data and Communication in Agenda 21

Chapter 10:
Integrated Approach To The Planning And Management Of Land Resources
8. (a) Adopt improved systems for the interpretation and integrated analysis of data on land use and land resources; [Chapter 10, Para 8 (a)]

(b) Data and information [Chapter 10, (b)]

Strengthening information systems [Chapter 10]

11. Governments at the appropriate level, in collaboration with national institutions and the private sector and with the support of regional and international organizations, should strengthen the information systems necessary for making decisions and evaluating future changes on land use and management. The needs of both men and women should be taken into account. To do this, they should: [Chapter 10, Para 11]

11. (a) Strengthen information, systematic observation and assessment systems for environmental, economic and social data related to land resources at the global, regional, national and local levels and for land capability and land-use and management patterns; [Chapter 10, Para 11 (a)]

11. (b) Strengthen coordination between existing sectoral data systems on land and land resources and strengthen national capacity to gather and assess data; [Chapter 10, Para 11 (b)]

11. (c) Provide the appropriate technical information necessary for informed decision-making on land use and management in an accessible form to all sectors of the population, especially to local communities and women; [Chapter 10, Para 11 (c)]

11. (d) Support low-cost, community-managed systems for the collection of comparable information on the status and processes of change of land resources, including soils, forest cover, wildlife, climate and other elements. [Chapter 10, Para 11 (d)]

12. Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of regional and international organizations, should strengthen regional cooperation and exchange of information on land resources. To do this, they should: [Chapter 10, Para 12]

12. (c) Design information systems and promote training; [Chapter 10, Para 12 (c)]

12. (d) Exchange, through networks and other appropriate means, information on experiences with the process and results of integrated and participatory planning and management of land resources at the national and local levels. [Chapter 10, Para 12 (d)]

Information, Data and Communication in Agenda 21
Agenda 21 | Alternative Treaties | Information Ecology | Information Habitat