* Access, Participate and Participation in Agenda 21 *
Agenda 21 | Alternative Treaties | Information Ecology | Information Habitat

Access, Participate and Participation in Agenda 21

Chapter 29:
Strengthening The Role Of Workers And Their Trade Unions
(b) Strengthening participation and consultation [Chapter 29, (b)]

5. Governments, business and industry should promote the active participation of workers and their trade unions in decisions on the design, implementation and evaluation of national and international policies and programmes on environment and development, including employment policies, industrial strategies, labour adjustment programmes and technology transfers. [Chapter 29, Para 5]

8. Governments and employers should ensure that workers and their representatives are provided with all relevant information to enable effective participation in these decision-making processes. [Chapter 29, Para 8]

11. (a) Seek to ensure that workers are able to participate in environmental audits at the workplace and in environmental impact assessments; [Chapter 29, Para 11 (a)]

11. (b) Participate in environment and development activities within the local community and promote joint action on potential problems of common concern; [Chapter 29, Para 11 (b)]

12. Workers and their representatives should have access to adequate training to augment environmental awareness, ensure their safety and health, and improve their economic and social welfare. Such training should ensure that the necessary skills are available to promote sustainable livelihoods and improve the working environment. Trade unions, employers, Governments and international agencies should cooperate in assessing training needs within their respective spheres of activity. Workers and their representatives should be involved in the design and implementation of worker training programmes conducted by employers and Governments. [Chapter 29, Para 12]

Access, Participate and Participation in Agenda 21
Agenda 21 | Alternative Treaties | Information Ecology | Information Habitat