Editorial Pre-Processing / E10

It is necessary to decide whether to edit the contributions. This can be called editing at the "message level", to distinguish it from editing which is done at the "bulletin level" (see Editing / E11; Maturing the Process / E13)

There is some flexibility in the amount of time used for the message pre-processing - as well as in the strictness with which each of the review criteria is applied. Review time can be varied depending on the extent to which a backlog of messages is accumulating.

Sorting by Type

If there are many messages arriving and the frequency of publication is also high, it may be useful to separate of messages on the same topic to maintain the sense of variety in the Bulletin (see also Coding / E7). It may also be good to separate messages from the same person, if someone has enthusiastically inserted several, and to mix wisdom statements, rhetorical questions, humorous, serious and other messages.

Sorting by Priority

At this stage, there is also the opportunity to "fast-track" and "slow-track" messages. For example, non-complying messages which require considerable editorial effort (too long, difficult to read etc.) could also be set aside in order to keep up a high rate of processing all messages (see Turnaround / Frequency / S6; Bottlenecks / S5). (If the messages are collected personally, a quick check for compliance could be made by the assistant at this stage).

If a message comes from someone who has already submitted several messages, it can be assigned a low priority. An excessive number of messages from the same participant on the same point could be dealt with by an editorial decision to omit most of them or simply to refer to the fact that more messages on the same point have been received from the same source.

Maintaining a Balance

"Stacking" the box with messages in support of a factional viewpoint is more difficult to detect, but could be handled as with an individual who sends multiple messages (see paragraph above). Alternatively, a representative of the faction could be invited to summarize the contents of the messages received, perhaps in a "special supplement" to the Bulletin.

Higher Orders of Sorting

The editorial group can put more effort into sorting the messages at this stage (see Coding / E7). Related messages could then be grouped within an issue of the Bulletin according to conference agenda item or even by message type (cf. previous paragraph). If appropriate, or if the number of messages justifies it, each group of messages could appear in separate Bulletin series (perhaps on differently coloured paper) and only distributed to those involved with the theme in question.

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