agenda 21 | rio declaration | alternative treaties | information habitat
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* Education & Awareness in Agenda 21 in Agenda 21 in Agenda 21 *

Education & Awareness in Agenda 21 in Ag in Agenda 21

Chapter 40:
18. Information within many countries is not adequately managed, because of shortages of financial resources and trained manpower, lack of awareness of the value and availability of such information and other immediate or pressing problems, especially in developing countries. Even where information is available, it may not be easily accessible, either because of the lack of technology for effective access or because of associated costs, especially for information held outside the country and available commercially. [Chapter 40, Para 18]

Education & Awareness in Agenda 21 in Agenda 21 in Agenda 21
Agenda 21 | Alternative Treaties | Information Habitat
information, data & communication | access, participate & participation | educate, education & aware