
Your Voice - Parliament of the People

Parliament of World Religions - Chicago, 1993

Twelve issues of Your Voice - a participant interactive bulletin based on Da Zi Bao that had been developed for the Earth Summit preparations - were published during the Parliament of World Religions held in Chicago in September 1993.

Issues 7, 9 and 10 of Your Voice at the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago, 28 August - 5 September 1993, were dedicated to the Parliament of the People process -- a grassroots alternative to the Assembly of Religious and Spiritual Leaders. These issues of Your Voice are now available at this site in "camera ready" format. In order to view these issues on screen - or to print them - you need to have a copy of the Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded at no cost for Macintosh, Windows or other operating systems.

People's Voices | Participant interactive message system | Da Zi Bao | Information Habitat

Updated: 1 June, 2006